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The Law of Contract [With Special Emphasis on the Law Relating to Government Contracts, Tenders and Blacklisting] (Two Volumes)

The Law of Contract [With Special Emphasis on the Law Relating to Government Contracts, Tenders and Blacklisting] (Two Volumes)

  • ₹4,395.00

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The last edition of the book on Law of Contract had been published in 2013. Despite the earnest desire to come out with the Fourth edition at the earliest, it was not possible to do so since in the meantime we were occupied with further editions of our books titled Law of Arbitration and Conciliation (9th edition); Arbitration - Step by Step (2nd edition); and the book on Building and Engineering Contracts (5th edition), which consumed a lot of time. Finally bowing to the unrelenting pressure of the Publishers, we have been able to successfully complete the 4th edition, inspite of our professional commitments. We hope the final product would convince the esteemed readers of our effort and zeal. The short gaps between publishing of further editions of our books are a result of demand by the readers and the publishers, for which we consider ourselves truly blessed. The regularity of frequency of publishing of our books is an indicator of the fact that these have been well-received by the esteemed readers, be it on the Law of Contract, the Law of Arbitration, Law of Partnership, Arbitration - Step by Step or Emden's Building Contracts and Practice, 9th edn. The readers are a discerning lot. They will be the first to point out if any book is not worth reading. We have been extremely fortunate that we have been called upon to stand up to the test of the readers very frequently. This is more satisfying than any material gains. The Publishers, being in the commercial field, receive frequent feedback from their agents all over the country about the manner in which the books have been received in the market. Their repeated calls to us to bring out further editions are ample testimony of the fact that our product has been accepted with open arms by the readers. This imposes on us an onerous task of improving the final product so that the same is better than the previous edition. We are also very humbled by the fact that there are reported cases from various Courts, including the Apex Court, where extracts from our books have been quoted. No better acknowledgement is required about the quality of the final product and its vast acceptability.
Volume 1 
The Indian Contract Act, 1872 

        Preliminary [Ss. 1-2]
1.    Of The Communication, Acceptance and Revocation of Proposals [Ss. 3-9]
2.    Of Contracts, Voidable Contracts and Void Agreements [Ss. 10-23]  
        — Void Agreements [Ss. 24-30]
3.    Of Contingent Contracts [Ss. 31-36]
4.    Of The Performance of Contracts [Ss. 37-67]
        — Contracts which must be Performed [Ss. 37-39]
        — By whom Contracts must be Performed [Ss. 4045]
        — Time and Place for Performance [Ss. 46-50]
        — Performance of Reciprocal Promises [Ss. 51-58]
        — Appropriation of Payments [Ss. 59-61]
        — Contracts which need not be Performed [Ss. 62-67]
5.    Of Certain Relations Resembling those Created by Contract [Ss. 68-72]
Volume 2
6.    Of The Consequences of Breach of Contract [Ss. 73-75]
7.    Sale of Goods [Ss. 76-123 Repealed]
8.    Of Indemnity and Guarantee [Ss. 124-147]
9.    Of Bailment [Ss. 148-171]
        — Bailment of Pledges [Ss. 172-179]
        — Suits by bailees or bailors against wrong-doers [Ss. 180-181]
10.  Agency [Ss. 182-238]
        — Appointment and Authority of Agents [Ss. 182-189]
        — Sub-Agents [Ss. 190-195]
        — Ratification [Ss. 196-200]
        — Revocation of Authority [Ss. 201-210]
        — Agent's Duty to Principal [Ss. 211-221]
        — Principal's Duty to Agent [Ss. 222-225]
        — Effect of Agency on Contracts with third Persons [Ss. 226-238]
11.  Of Partnership [Ss. 239-266 Repealed]
Special Chapter : Blacklisting
1.    The Arbitration and Conciliation act, 1996
2.    The Interest Act, 1978
3.    The Sale of Goods Act, 1930
4.    The Specific Relief Act, 1877
5.    The Indian Partnership Act, 1932
6.    General Conditions of Contract for Central P.W.D. Works
7.    Military Engineer Services
8.    Public Works Department
9.    FIDIC Conditions of Contract for Works of Civil Engineering 
        Construction with all updated Amendments
Consolidated Subject Index
Author Details
P.C. Markanda 
is a Senior Advocate, Arbitrator and Consultant practicing wholly and exclusively on matters relating to the Law of Arbitration and Conciliation and Law of Contract before arbitral tribunals and Courts all over the country.He also has got multi-faceted experience of civil engineering construction as well as structural design. He was visiting Professor to the College ofArchitecture, Chandigarh; Member of the Governing Council of the Indian Concrete Institute, Chennai; and Member, Academic Council, H.P University, Shimla. He is a Fellow of the Institution of Engineers.He is also Secretary of the Governing Body of all the S.D. Educational Institutions in Jalandhar.
He has authored books on "Arbitration Law and Practice" and "Building and Engineering Contracts - Law and Practice", which have been highly acclaimed. He has also presented a large number of papers relating to the fields of Law of Arbitration and Law of Contract at various national and international forums.
The author is the senior-most elected member of the Governing Body of the Indian Council of Arbitration having been elected to this august Body for seven consecutive terms since 1986.
Mr. Naresh Markanda 
The Author is a Senior Advocate practicing at National (Supreme Court and High Courts all over the country) and International level. The Author has recently been elected to the Governing Body of the Indian Council of Arbitration for a term of 4 years. He specializes exclusively in arbitration and contract related matters and regularly appears in arbitration matters before arbitral forums as also before the Courts throughout the country. He is also a member of multi-member Arbitral Tribunals as well as Sole Arbitrator and has delivered many awards as well. He is also the co-author of books titled Emden's Building and Engineering Contracts; Law Relating to Arbitration ind Conciliation; Building and Engineering Contracts - Law and Practice; Law of Contract; and Arbitration - Step by Step. These books have been highly acclaimed. He •TOO nwer 90 nnhlished narjers in National and International Journals.
Mr. Rajesh Markanda 
The Author is an Advocate and Consultant practicing wholly and exclusively on matters relating to the Law of Arbitration and Conciliation and Law of Contract before Arbitral Tribunals and Courts all over the country. He is also the co-author of books tided Emden's Building and Engineering Contracts; Law Relating to Arbitration and Conciliation; Building and Engineering Contracts - Law and Practice; Law of Contract; and Arbitration - Step by Step. These books have been highly acclaimed. He has over 20 published papers in National and International Journals.

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