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Key to Practice and Procedures in Industrial Disputes

Key to Practice and Procedures in Industrial Disputes

  • ₹450.00

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  • Author(s): Narender Kumar
  • Publisher: Universal LexisNexis
  • Edition: 2 Ed 2022
  • ISBN 13 9789391211226
  • Approx. Pages 290 + contents
  • Format Paperback
  • Approx. Product Size 24 x 16 cms
  • Delivery Time Normally 7-9 working days
  • Shipping Charge Extra (see Shopping Cart)

The Imbuarial Disputes Act was enacted in the year 1947. In the Act, provisions have been made to promote condial relations between the employer and employees and also to build up understanding and trust between them. In the first edition of this book, an attempt was made to simplify labour law as available under Industrial Disputes Act, so that each one concerned with this branch of law is able to have an easy understanding of the law narrated in simple words. Law does change with the passage of time. With this idea, every vigilant reader likes to aquaint himself with the change in law, whatever the subject may be. As regards legislation in this field of law. Labour Code is ready with the government, but on the point of settlement of Industrial Disputes, change in law is yet to be implemented. Adjudication of dispute is one of the remedies under the Act, for settlement of Industrial Dispute. Precedents play a significant role in settlement of disputes. There are number of decisions delivered by the Higher Courts. To acquaint the readers with important judicial pronouncements by different High Courts and Supreme Court, on different legal issues, this second edition is ready.
1. Who is a workman
2. Various Authorities Under Industrial Disputes
3. Procedure for Refernce of Industrial Dispute
4. Jurisdiction of Labour Court
5. How and where to Present Statement of Claim
6. Jurisdiction of Industrial Tribunal
7. Lay-off and Retrenchment
8. Retrenchment
9. Conditions Precedent to Retrenchment of workmen
10. Reinstatement and other Reliefs
11. Lay off and Retrenchment
12. Change in Conditions of Service
13. Unfair Labour Practice
14. Strikes and Lock outs
15. Recovery of Money due from an Employer
16. Section-33-c(2) of Industrial Disputes act
17. Appointment of Commissioner
18. Power of Court and Tribunal in case of Discharge
19. Mode of Service of Summons
20. What to do after one is Served Summons
21. Apperance of Parties
22. Representation of Parties
23. Production of Documents Synopsis
24. Alternative Dispute Redressal Mechanism
25. Court - Annexed Mediation
26. Settlement of Issues and Summon
27. How the Claim or Industrial Dispute is Heard
28. Effect of Death of any Party to the Case or Industrial Dispute
29. Adjournments
30. Costs
31. Arguments
32. Award
Author Details
Narendra Kumar

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