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Kelly’s Legal Precedents with First (Cumulative) Supplement to the twenty-first edition (2 book set)

Kelly’s Legal Precedents with First (Cumulative) Supplement to the twenty-first edition (2 book set)

  • ₹5,500.00

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  • Author(s): R. W. Ramage
  • Publisher: LexisNexis
  • Edition: 21 Indian Rp 2023
  • ISBN 13 9789395116428
  • Approx. Pages 1576 + Contents
  • Format Hardbound
  • Approx. Product Size 24 x 16 cms
  • Additional Details Indian Reprint
  • Delivery Time Normally 7-9 working days
  • Shipping Charge Extra (see Shopping Cart)

Book Description
This, Kelly's 21st edition (141 years from the 1st edition in 1873), is a symbolic birthday, but in boring reality is as, or no more, exciting that the ceaseless changes in the law. The law and the Mini, by which I mean the Mini by Issigonis rather than the Mini by BMW, are both self-contradictory. The attraction of the Mini is that it is so small. The trouble with the Mini is that it is so small. The trouble (one of the troubles) with the law is that it changes so much (and often pointlessly). Another is that it changes so slowly when you need it. My preface to the 19th edition (2006) started this train of thought. In it I reported the Charities Act and the Companies Act both of 2006. The former promised us the Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO), greatly needed after the repeal in 1993 of the (under-used) Charitable Trustees Incorporation Act 1872, but we were kept waiting until October 2013 for these useful provisions to be brought into force. The latter micro-managed where there was no need, ignoring Duomatic, made it all but impossible to know whether you have committed an offence under s 29, and instead of simplifying company constitutions, left it to Kelly (now in [9-168]) to provide for one and two person companies simple articles of association that reflect how people actually work.
Some of the most important changes to Kelly are invisible, but will make it easier to use, reorganising the table of contents (for techies, directory tree) in the electronic versions for easier navigation (ie rinding precedents and clauses), more clause numbering and fewer bullets, and the continued aim of plain English linked to legal precision. Whilst the editorial team has taken this three steps forward, the software writers of XML, used in the production process, have taken us one step back by making it impossible to give precedents unique marginal numbers: therefore cross-references to whole precedents are by the unique number of the first paragraph in them. These are what you can call a book's administration, and the best administration is the administration that works without being noticed.
The law itself changes constantly, which each new edition and annual supplement try to reflect in countless minor changes to clauses and explanatory footnotes.
Part A

Boilerplate and general
1.    Definition – Words and expressions
2.    Standard Clauses
3.    Declaration (statutory) and statements
4.    Formal part of documents
Part B
Company, commercial and business
5.    Arbitration
6.    Bills of exchange
7.    Bills of sale
8.    Commercial Documents
9.    Companies
10.  Employment
11.  Guarantees and indemnities
12.  Partnership
13.  Sale of shares and business
Part C
Private client and family

14.   Assents
15.  Change of name
16.  Family
17.  Gifts
18.  Power of attorney
19.   Trusts and trustees
20.   Wills
Part D

21.   Building Agreements
22.   Easements and boundaries
23.   Lease and Tenancy Agreement
24.   Mortgages
25.   Sale of Land
Part E
Not for profit
26.   Association
27.   Charities and social enterprises
Author Details
R W Ramage,
BSC (Econ), Solicitor

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