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Juvenile Justice in Asia

Juvenile Justice in Asia

  • ₹775.00

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  • Author(s): R. Thilagraj, Jianhong Liu
  • Publisher: Thomson Reuters
  • Edition: 1 Ed 2024
  • ISBN 13 9789393702975
  • Approx. Pages 222 + Contents
  • Format Paperback
  • Approx. Product Size 24 x 16 cms
  • Delivery Time Normally 7-9 working days
  • Shipping Charge Extra (see Shopping Cart)

The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child is a human rights treaty that explains children's political, economic, social, health and cultural rights. Nations that ratify this convention are bound by this international law. Governments of the member countries that have ratified the convention are required to amend their juvenile justice laws in line with this convention. Most of the countries, including those in Asia, have ratified and amended their juvenile laws. The present book, consisting of the findings of a study, examines the position of the juvenile justice system in five Asian countries vis- à-vis India, China, Taiwan, Japan and Malaysia. This book further makes a comparative on the juvenile justice system in the abovementioned countries.
In the first chapter, an overview of the juvenile justice system globally is given for an understanding of the present situation of juvenile justice from an international per- spective. Every chapter of the book deals with a specific country chosen for the study individually. Each chapter explains the situation of juvenile delinquency over a period of ten years followed by the nature of the legal framework in each country and further deals with the structure and functions of the juvenile justice system. The roles of the police, judiciary, correctional institutions and community are explained in detail. At the end, a comparative analysis of the juvenile justice system in the above Asian coun- tries is provided. This book will be of immense use to students of law, criminology, forensic science and social work and also to law enforcement agencies.
We would like to acknowledge those who have contributed immensely to this book. Firstly we thank the University of Macau for allowing us to conduct the study. We would like to place our sincere and heartfelt thanks to Prof. Setsuo Miyazawa, Japan, and Prof. Sundaramoorthy, Malaysia, for enabling us to collect the data relat- ing to juvenile crimes from their respective countries. Our thanks and appreciations are also due to Ms. Teresa, a researcher at the University of Macau, for helping us in conducting an extensive review of literature at the university library. We would like to thank Dr. S. Latha, University of Madras, and Ms. Kaarnika Mahendran, The Tamil Nadu Dr. Ambedkar Law University, for their contribution in editing and finalizing the book. We would like to thank Ms. G. Fathima and Mr. K. Thiayagarajan, Centre for Cyber Forensics and Information Security, University of Madras, for assisting in the final editing of the book.
Table of Contents
1 Introduction
2 Juvenile Justice in China
3 Juvenile Justice in India
4 Juvenile Justice in Japan
5 Juvenile Justice in Malaysia
6 Juvenile Justice in Taiwan
7 Summary and Conclusion
Author Details
R. Thilagraj
Jianhong Liu

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