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A Textbook of Jurisprudence

A Textbook of Jurisprudence

  • ₹1,595.00

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  • Author(s): G.W. Paton
  • Publisher: Oxford University Press
  • Edition: 4 Ed Rp 2023
  • ISBN 10 0199474966
  • ISBN 13 9780199474967
  • Approx. Pages 659 + contents
  • Format Paperback
  • Approx. Product Size 24 x 16 cms
  • Delivery Time Normally 7-9 working days
  • Shipping Charge Extra (see Shopping Cart)

'As the purpose of teaching is not to dictatedogmatic answers but to stimulate thought, the important thing is to make clear what the problems are. This refreshing viewpoint from the author's preface to the first edition brings both its objective and quality into sharp focus. This reissue of the fourth edition of this classic provides for students a detailed and careful examination of the key issues in the study of jurisprudence. The notion of law itself. It offers a lucid introduction to various approaches to the study of jurisprudence and shows that the different schools are not contradictory but complement each other.  Beginning with the nature of jurisprudence and the evolution of low, and the major concepts in private law, including legal personality, property,possession remedial rights, and the
extinction of rights.
Book I - Introduction

I - The Nature of Jurisprudence
1.    Introduction
2.    The Schools of Jurisprudence
3.    Bentham (1748-1832)
4.    John Austin and the Imperative School
5.    The Pure Science of Law
6.    The Historical School
7.    The Functional School
8.    The Sociology of Law
9.    The Teleological School
10.  The Scandinavian Realists
11.  Comparative Law
12.  The Scope of Jurisprudence
II - The Evolution of Law
13.  The Primitive Community
14.  Primitive Law
15.  Middle Law
16.  Classical Law
17.  Post-classical Law
III - The Definition of Law
18.  Introduction
19.  Law, Ethics, and Positive Morality
20.  The Imperative Definition
21.  The Problem of International Law
22.  Definition of Law in Terms of the Judicial Process
23.  Definition of Law in Terms of its Purpose
24.  Formal Definitions of Law
25.  Definition of Law as Social Fact
26.  Conclusion  
Book II - The Purpose of Law
IV - Natural Law

27.  Introduction
28.  Greece
29.  Rome
30.  The Christian Fathers
31.  The Middle Ages
32.  The Seventeenth Century
33.  Natural Rights
34.  Modem Theories
35.  The Common Law Approach
V - Law as The Protection of Interests
36.  The Problems of a Jurisprudence of Interests
37. Social Interests
38.  Private Interests
Book III - Sources of Law
VI - The Sources of Law

39.  Meaning of the Term Source
VII - Custom
40.  Origin and Limits of Custom
41.  The Common Law Approach
VIII - The Judicial Method
42.  Introduction
43.  Law, Logic, and Science
44.  The Facts and the Law
45.  Precedent
46.  Sources where there is no Authority
47.  Fixity and Discretion
48.  Principles, Standards, Concepts, and Rules
IX - Statutes and Codes
49.  Comparison of Case Law and Statute
50.  Consolidation
51.  Statutory Interpretation in England
52.  Codification
53.  The Growing Importance of Statute Law
54.  Law Reform
X - Juristic Writings and Professional Opinion
55.  Influence of Juristic Writings and Profess
56.  The Function of the Textbook
Book IV - The Technique of the Law
Xl - Classification
57.  The Purpose of Classification
58.  Possible Methods of Classification
59.  The Arrangement Adopted
60.  Subordinate Classifications
61.  Legal Personality—An Introductory Note
XII - Rights and Duties
62.  Analysis of a Right
63.  Claim, Liberty, Power, Immunity
64.  Absolute and Relative Duties
65.  Classification of Legal Rights
66.  The Creation and Extinction of Rights
XIII - Titles, Acts, Events
67.  Titles or Operative Facts
68.  An Act as the Basis of Liability in Crime and Torts
69.  Juristic Acts
70.  Types of Juristic Acts
71.  Acts of the Law
72.  Representation in a Juristic Act
73.  Assignment
Book V Public Law
XIV - Law and the State
74.  Distinction between Public and Private Law
75.  The Separation of Powers
76.  Law and the State
77.  The State as a Legal Person
XV - Criminal Law
78.  Introduction
79.  Theories of Punishment
80.  The Causes of Crime
81.  Modes of Punishment
82.  Analysis of Criminal Liability
83.  Nulla poena sine lege
Book VI - Private Law
XXI - The Concept of Legal Personality
84.  Introduction
85.  The Nature of Legal Personality
86.  Natural Persons
87.  Status
88.  Evolution of the Notion of Corporate Personality
89.  Types of Incorporation
90.  Theories of the Nature of Corporate Personality
91.  Some Practical Problems
92.  Associations
XVII - Rights Created by a Juristic Act
93.  Introduction
94.  Rights created by Agreement
95.  Evolution of the Concept of Contract
96.  Causa and Consideration
97.  Theories of the Nature of a Contract
98.  Sale and Hire-purchase
99.  Modern Developments
100. Mistake, Misrepresentation, Duress
101. Unilateral Juristic Acts
XVIII - Rights Directly Created by Law
102. Introduction
103. Delict
104. Purpose of the Law of Delict
105. Standards of Care
106. Abuse of Rights
107. Functional Analysis
108. Quasi-contract
109. Unjust Enrichment
XIX - Remedial Rights
110. Introduction
111. Types of Remedial Rights
XX - Extinction of Rights
112.Extinction of Rights
XXI - The Concept of Property
113. Introduction
114. Things
115. Dominium and Ownership
116. lus in re aliena
117. The Trust
118. Analysis of Property in the Modern World
119. Theories of Property
120. Acquisition inter vivos
121. Succession on Death
XXII - The Concept of Possession
122. Introduction
123. The Struggle of Convenience and Theory
124. Illustrative Cases and Rules
125. Analysis of Possession
126. Mediate and Immediate Possession
XXIII - Law of Procedure
127. Introduction
128. Summons
129. Pleading and Practice
130. Proof
131. Appeal
Index of Cases
Author Details
Sir George Paton
was associated with the University of Melbourne in various capacities for many years. He was Professor of Jurisprudence, Dean of the Faculty of Law, and Vice Chancellor.

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