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Judicial Process and Precedent (Paperback)

Judicial Process and Precedent (Paperback)

  • ₹745.00

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  • Author(s): A. Lakshminath
  • Publisher: Eastern Book Company
  • Edition: 4 Ed Rp 2023
  • ISBN 13 9789351452935
  • Approx. Pages 568 + Contents
  • Format Paperback
  • Approx. Product Size 24 x 16 cms
  • Delivery Time Normally 7-9 working days
  • Shipping Charge Extra (see Shopping Cart)

Judicial Process and Precedent by Prof. Lakshminath is an exhaustive study of the judicial process and precedent. Judicial process is essentially dynamic* the judicial doctrines, like that of stare decisis, are widely regarded as agents harmonising stability with change in social and public institutions. The present revised edition is brought out at a time when the Supreme Court is traversing yet another stage of transformation. With the growth of information technology, freedom of expression in India has scaled new heights and generated awareness: political, social and legal. The Indian judiciary is not left untouched by this "awareness revolution".
The book while dealing with the institutional aspects and sociological perspective of stare dedsis in the Indian context, discusses the complexities of ratio decidendi and styles of judicial lawmakingand law declaring functions of the Supreme Court with extensive discussion of prospective overruling.
The following are the notable features of this revised edition:
1.    Anew chapter "Judicial Process: A Prologue" on the comparative judicial
       process, which not  only outlines its historical perspective but also brings
       forward the comparative context.
2.    Traces the judicial process in the framework of the right to life with particular
       emphasis on the Indian  courts' approach to death penalty and the right to
       personal liberty.
3.    A new chapter "Basic Structure Doctrine: Judicial Dynamics"
       devoted to the understanding of the dynamics of basic structure doctrine.
4.    Recent landmark rulings of the Supreme Court and High Courts included to
       stimulate critical but informed debate.
The fourth edition of this scholarly exposition is more exhaustive and comprehensive in its coverage of the subject. Justice R.C. Lahoti, former Chief Justice of India, has quoted this book in his udgment.
The book is a must for judges, practicing lawyers, and students of law. It will definitely be a prized .   collection for any library.
Table of Cases
1.     Judicial Process: A Prologue
2.     Precedent: A Prognosis  
3.     "Stare Decisis" in the Indian Courts: Institutional Aspects
4.     "Stare Decisis": A Sociological Perspective  
5.     "Ratio Decidendi" and the Structure of Judgments
6.     Supreme Court and Overruling of Precedent    .
7.     Judicial Law-Making and Prospective Overruling
8.     Basic Structure Doctrine: Judicial Dynamics    .
9.     Law Declared by the Supreme Court under Article 141  
10.   Judicial Process and the Right to Life
11.   Death Sentence: Judicial Ambivalence
12.   Judicial Process and Personal Liberty
13.   Epilogue: Future of the Past  
Bibliography , Subject Index
Author Details
Prof. Dr. A. Lakshminath
Chancellor, A.P. University of Law, Visakhapatnam; Pro-Chancellor/Vice-Chancellor/Vice-Chancellor, Chanakya National Law University, Patna.

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