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Information Technology Law (Cyber Laws)

Information Technology Law (Cyber Laws)

  • ₹999.00

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  • Author(s): Dr. S.R. Myneni
  • Publisher: Asia Law House
  • Edition: 3 Ed 2023
  • Approx. Pages 672 + Contents
  • Format Paperback
  • Approx. Product Size 24 x 16 cms
  • Delivery Time Normally 7-9 working days
  • Shipping Charge Extra (see Shopping Cart)

In this age of computers, life of man is dominated by the Internet. Now e-commerce made the life of man happy with Cyber space. Cyber Crimes became common and a new law is required to arrest these modern crimes. UNCITRAL provided model laws of e-commerce. Intellectual Property Rights are also facing with challenges of cyber crimes. In India, Information Technology Act, 2000 was enacted and amended from time to time. Present day Advocate becomes out dated if he has no' knowledge of Information Technology Law. Hence the Bar Council of India introduced the subject of Information Technology Law in the Curriculum of B.A, B.L (LLB) Course. Though there are a number of books on this subject, the books, written based on the syllabus of Bar Council of India, are rare. Hence the author attempted to bring this Text book. An attempt has been made by the author to bring this subject within the reach of the law students by presenting the subject in simple language and in lucid style based on the syllabi of different Universities, National Law Institutes and the Bar Council of India. It is a fact that no text book writer can claim originality of thought as the prescribed topics have to be explained based on suggested readings. The author has referred the books listed in Bibliography and he expresses his profound gratitude to the eminent authors and publishers of the books refered to.
Unit I : Jurisdiction of Information Technology

Chapter 1.    Concept of Information Technology
Chapter 2.    Concept of Cyberspace
Chapter 3.    Interface of Technology and Law
Chapter 4.    Jurisdiction in Traditional Sense
Chapter 5.    Jurisdiction in Cyberspace
Chapter 6.    Internet Jurisdiction
Chapter 7.    Indian Context of Internet Jurisdiction
Chapter 8.    Enforcement Agencies
Chapter 9.    International Position of Internet Jurisdiction
Unit II : The Information Technology Act, 2000
Chapter 1.    Aims and Objectives of the Information Technology Act, 2000
Chapter 2.    Overview of the Information Technology Act, 2000
Chapter 3.    Jurisdiction of Information Technology Act, 2000
Chapter 4.    Definitions (Section 2)
Chapter 5.    Digital Signature and Electronic Signature
Chapter 6.    Electronic Governance, Legal Recognition of Electronic Records and Electronic Evidence
Chapter 7.    Understanding Communication Processes : Attribution, Acknowledgement
                        and Despatch of Electronic Records
Chapter 8.    Electronic (or Digital) Signature Certificates
Chapter 9.    Securing Electronic Records and Digital Signature
Chapter 10.  Duties of Subscribers
Chapter 11.  Cases in Cyber  Jurisdiction
Chapter 12.  Role of Certifying Authorities
Chapter 13.  Regulators under the Information Technology Act
Chapter 14.  Adjudication
Chapter 15.  Penalties and Compensation
Chapter 16.  The Appellate Tribunal
Chapter 17.  Intermediaries and Examiner of Electronic Evidence Liabilities of
                       Intermediaries or Internet Service Providers
Chapter 18.  Miscellaneous Provisions of the Information Technology Act
Chapter 19.  Impact of the Information Technology Act on other Laws
Chapter 20.  Cyber Cases under the IT Act, 2000
Unit  III : Electronic Commerce
Chapter 1.    E-Commerce
Chapter 2.    Uncitral Model Law on Electronic Commerce
Chapter 3.    Legal Aspects of E-commerce
Chapter 4.    Digital Signatures - Technical and Legal Issues
Chapter 5.    E-Commerce - Trends and Prospects
Chapter 6.    E-Taxation
Chapter 7.    E-Banking
Chapter 8.    Online Credit Card Payment
Chapter 9.    Online Publishing
Chapter 10.  Employment Contracts
Chapter 11.  Contractor Agreements
Chapter 12.  Sales, Reseller and Distributor Agreements
Chapter 13.  Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDAs)
Chapter 14.  Shrink Wrap Contract
Chapter 15.  Source Code
Chapter 16.  Escrow Agreement
Unit IV : Relation of Cyber Laws with Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs)
Chapter 1.    Cyber Laws with Intellectual Property Rights
Chapter 2.    Understanding Copy Right in Information Technology
Chapter 3.    Software Copyrights v. Patents Debate
Chapter 4.    Authorship and Assignment Issues of Copyright
Chapter 5.    Copyright in Internet
Chapter 6.    Multi-media and Copyright Issues
Chapter 7.    Copyright Infringement (Software Piracy)
Chapter 8.    Understanding Patents
Chapter 9.    European Position on Computer related Patents
Chapter 10.  Legal position of Computer related Patents in the US
Chapter 11.  Indian Position on Computer related Patents
Chapter 12.  Trade Marks
Chapter 13.  Trade Marks in Internet
Chapter 14.  Domain Name Registration
Chapter 15.  Domain Name disputes and the World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO)
Chapter 16.  Databases in information Technology
Chapter 17.  Protection of Databases
Chapter 18.  Protection of Databases in the United States
Chapter 19.  Protection of Databases in the EU
Chapter 20.  Protection of Databases in India
Unit V : Cyber Crimes
Chapter 1.    Meaning and Kinds of Cyber Crimes
Chapter 2.    Cyber Crimes under the Indian Penal Code 1860
Chapter 3.    Cyber Crimes under the Criminal Procedure Code, 1973
Chapter 4.    Cyber Crimes under the Evidence Act, 1872
Chapter 5.    Cyber Crimes or offences under the Information Technology Act, 2000
Chapter 6.    Cyber Crimes under International Law
Chapter 7.    Hacking
Chapter 8.    Child Pornography (Child Sexual Abuse Images)
Chapter 9.    Cyber Stalking
Chapter 10.  Denial of Service Attack
Chapter 11.  Virus Dissemination (Spreading Virus)
Chapter 12.  Software Piracy
Chapter 13.  Internet Relay Chat (IRC) Crime
Chapter 14.  Credit Card Fraud
Chapter 15.  Net Extortion
Chapter 16.  Phishing
Chapter 17.  Cyber Terrorism
Chapter 18.  Violation of Privacy on Internet
Chapter 19.  Data Protection and Privacy
The Text of Budapest Convention on Cyber Crime, 2001
Acts, Rules and Regulations etc.
Subject Index


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