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Indian Constitutional Law (Two  Volumes)

Indian Constitutional Law (Two Volumes)

  • ₹6,250.00

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  • Author(s): M.P. Jain, A.P. Sahi, Sharath Chandran
  • Publisher: LexisNexis
  • Edition: 8 Ed 2023
  • ISBN 13 9789395116237
  • Approx. Pages 3530 + Contents
  • Format Hardbound
  • Approx. Product Size 24 x 18 cms
  • Delivery Time Normally 7-9 working days
  • Shipping Charge Extra (see Shopping Cart)

Our Constitution is prolix—a cliched comment—but it is concise in content and elaborate in its arrangement. The constitutional concision should not cost us precision. It did not. The Framers—the Constituent Assembly—comprising stellar scholars of the age, have gifted, rather dedicated, to the nation what could be proudly proclaimed as the most comprehensive, yet not complex; most elaborate, yet not meandering; most adaptive, yet not ambiguous, Constitution. They aimed it to endure for all times to come and to serve all generations to succeed. It has not belied their hopes. If there fillings—and there are, more charitably, shortcomings—they are ours, those who work it. The Commentaries on the Constitution of India are aplenty; some are multivolume and some slim. M. P. Jain's Constitutional Law, a classic by any classification, fits the bill in both the categories: it is two-volume hardbound and single-volume paperbound. Bearing true testimony to the scholarship of M. P. Jain, an eminent constitutional and administrative laws exponent, this commentary, now in your hands, has been as enduring as the document it expounds. The illustrious author and the successive revising authors have been unceasing in their efforts to make the book ever relevant and ever reliant. The commentary, as we have noticed—and read ourselves as students, too—is simple in its scheme and profound in its treatment.
Volume 1
Part I - Introductory

    I.       Introductory
Part II - The Union
    II.      Parliament
    III.     Central Executive
    IV.     The Supreme Court
  Part III - State and Union Territories
     V.      Introduction
    VI.      State Legislature
    VII.     State Executive
    VIII.    State Judiciary
    IX.      Union Territories, Tribal Areas and Special Provisions Concerning some States
Part IV - The Federal System
    X.       Legislative Relations
    XI.      Financial Relations
    XII.     Administrative Relations
    XIII.    Emergency Provisions
    XIV.    Co-operative Federalism
    XV.     Trade, Commerce and Intercourse
    XVI.    Official Language
    XVII.   Constitutional Position of Jammu and Kashmir
Part V - Political and Civil Rights
    XVIII. Citizenship
    XIX.     Elections
    XX.      Fundamental Rights (Topic 1)
    A.   Concept of Fundamental Rights
    B.   Fundamental Rights in India
    C.   Justiciability of Fundamental Rights
    D.   State
    E.    Law
    F.    Unconstitutional of a Statute
    G.   Doctrine of Eclipse
    H.   Doctrine of Sever ability
    I.    Waiver of Fundamental Rights
XXI. Fundamental Rights (Topic 2) Right to Equality (i)
    A.    Introductory
    B.    Equality before Law : Article 14
    C.    Illustrations
    D.    Administrative Discretion & Article 14
XXII. Fundamental Rights (Topic 3) Right to Equality (ii)
    A.    No Discrimination on Grounds of Religion etc.
    B.    Article 15(3): Women and Children
    C.    Article 15(4): Backward Classes
    D.    Reservation in Admissions
    E.    Article 15(5): Scope of Clause (5)
XXIII. Fundamental Rights (Topic 4) Right to Equality (iii)
    A.    Equality of Opportunity in Public Employment
    B.    Matters of Employment
    C.    Equal Pay For Equal Work
    D.    Exceptions to Articles 16(1) & 16(2)
    E.    Reservations in Services : Article 16(4)
    F.    What are Backward classes?
    G.    The Mandal Commission Case : Indra Sawhney v India
    H.    Constitutional Amendments 
    I.    Abolition of Untouchability
     J.    bolition of Titles
XXIV. Fundamental Rights (Topic 5) Six Freedoms of a Citizen
    A.    Right to Freedom
    B.    Reasonable Restrictions: Articles 19(2) to 19(6)
    C.    Freedom of Speech: Articles 19(1)(a) and 19(2)
    D.    Restrictions under Article 19(2)
    E.    Freedom to Assemble: Articles 19(1)(b) and 19(3)
    F.    Freedom to Form Association: Articles (19)(1)(c) and 19(4)
    G.    Freedom of Movement and Residence: Articles 19(1)(d),
    H.    Right to Property: Articles 19(1)(f) and 19(5)
    I.      Freedom To Carry On Trade and Commerce: Articles 19(1)(g) and 19(6)
    J.      Restrictions on Trade and Commerce
XXV. Fundamental Rights (Topic 6)
    A.    Protection against Ex-post-facto Law
    B.    Guarantee against Double Jeopardy
    C.    Privilege against Self-Incrimination: Article 20(3)
XXVI. Fundamental Rights (Topic 7)
    A.    Right to Freedom of the Person
    B.    Protection of Life and Personal Liberty: Article 21
    C.    Gopalan to Maneka : 1950-1977
    D.    Maneka Gandhi: The New Approach
    E.    Post Maneka Gandhi: Article 21
    F.    Criminal Justice after Maneka Gandhi
    G.    Death Sentence
    H.    Damages
    I.      Custodial Violence
    J.      Extended View of Article 21
XXVII. Fundamental Rights (Topic 8)
    A.    Protection Against Arrest
    B.    Preventive Detention
    C.    Laws Authorising Preventive Detention
    D.    Judicial Review of Orders of Preventive Detention
XXVII-A. Fundamental Rights (Topic 8A) Right to Education
    A.    Right to Education
    B.    Free and Compulsory Education as a Directive Principle
    C.    Right to Education under Article 21
    D.    The Right to Education as a Fundamental Right
Part V - Political and Civil Rights (contd.)
XXVIII. Fundamental Rights (Topic 9)

    A.    Right against Exploitation
    B.    Bonded Labour
    C.    Prostitutes
    D.    Child-labour Abolished
XXIX. Fundamental Rights (Topic 10) Freedom of Religion & Con-science
    A.    Introductory
    B.    Freedom to Profess or Practice Religion: Article 25
    C.    Freedom to Manage Religious Affairs: Article 26
    D.    Religious Endowments
    E.     No Taxation to Promote a Religion
    F.     Restriction on Religious Instruction in Educational Institutions
XXX. Fundamental Rights (Topic 11) Cultural and Educational Rights 
    A.    Protection of Interests of Minorities
    B.    Right of a Minority to Establish Educational Institutions
    C.    Regulation of Minority Educational Institutions
XXXI.  Fundamental Rights (Topic 12) Right to Property: Pre-1978 Position
    A.    Introductory
    B.    Articles 19(1)(f) and 19(5)
    C.    Article 31
    D.    Law Enacted by A State
    E.     Inter-relation of Article 31, Article 14 and Article 19(1)(f)
    F.     Saving of Certain Laws
XXXII. Fundamental Rights (Topic 13) Right to Property: Present Position
    A.    Introductory
    B.    Article 31A: Saving of Laws From Articles 14 and 19
    C.    Article 31B: Validation of Certain Laws
    D.    Article 31C
    E.    Article 300A
XXXIII. Fundamental Rights (Topic 14)
    A.    Right to Constitutional Remedies
    B.    Public Interest Litigation
    C.    Military Law and Fundamental Rights
    D.    Martial Law
    E.    Legislation to Effectuate Certain Fundamental Rights
    F.    Emergency and Fundamental Rights 
    G.    National Human Rights Commission State Human Rights Commission
XXXIV. Directive Principles of State Policy and Basic Duties
    A.    Nature of the Directive Principles
    B.    Justiciability of Directive Principles
    C.    Inter-relationship between Fundamental Rights and Directive Principles 
    D.    Directive Principles 
    E.    Fundamental Duties
XXXV. Safeguards to Minorities, Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Backward Classes
    A.    General
    B.    Scheduled Castes
    C.    Scheduled Tribes
    D.    Anglo-Indians
    E.    Other Backward Classes
    F.    Linguistic Minorities
    G.    Apparatus to Supervise Safeguards
    H.    Women
XXXVI. Government Services
    A.    Introductory
    B.    Legislative Power
    C.    Doctrine of Pleasure
    D.    Civil Servant
    E.    Restrictions on the Doctrine of Pleasure
    F.    Dismissal, Removal, Reduction in Rank
    G.    Reasonable Opportunity to Show Cause
    H.    Exclusion of Article 311(2)
    I.     Other Incidents of Government Service
    J.     Disciplinary Proceedings
    K.    Public Service Commissions
Part VI : Miscellaneous Topics
XXXVII. Obligations 
XXXVIII. Tortious Liability of the Government
XXXIX. Government Contracts
Part VII : Constitutional Interpretation and Amendment
XL.           Constitutional Interpretation 
XLI.          Amendment of the Constitution
Part I - Constitution of India|

1.    The Constitution of India
2.    The Union Judiciary
3.    Subordinate Courts
4.    Elections
5.    Temporary, Transitional and Special Provisions
6.    The Constitution (Application to Jammu and Kashmir) Order, 1954
7.    Re-statement, with reference to the present text of the Consti¬tution, of the exceptions 
        and modifications subject to which the Constitution applies to the State of
        Jammu and Kashmir
8.    Constitutional Amendment Acts
9.    The Constitution of the United States of America
Part II - British Constitutional Documents Relating to India
10.    The Government of India Act, 1800
11.    The Government of India Act, 1833
12.    The Government of India Act, 1853
13.    The Government of India Act, 1854
14.    The Government of India Act, 1858
15.    Indian Councils Act, 1861
16.    Indian High Courts Act, 1865
17.    The Government of India Act, 1865
18.    The Government of India Act, 1869
19.    Indian Councils Act, 1869
20.    The Government of India Act, 1870
21.    Indian Councils Act, 1871
22.    Indian Councils Act, 1874
23.    Indian Councils Act, 1892
24.    Indian Councils Act, 1904
25.    Councils of India Act, 1907
26.    Indian Councils Act, 1909
27.    Indian High Courts Act, 1911
28.    The Government of India Act, 1912
29.    The Government of India Act, 1915-1919
30.    The Government of India Act, 1935
31.    Indian Independence Act, 1947
32.    Indian (Provisional Constitutional) Order, 1947
33.    Indian (Consequential Provision) Act, 1949
First Schedule
Second Schedule
Third Schedule
Fourth Schedule
Fifth Schedule
Sixth Schedule
Seventh Schedule
Eight Schedule
Ninth Schedule
Tenth Schedule
Eleventh Schedule
Twelfth Schedule
Author Details
Dr. M.P. Jain
 has had a brilliant career both as a student and a law teacher. A First class First and Gold medalist of the University of Delhi in LL.B, in 1945, he got his LL.M. Degree in 1947 and joined the same University in 1946 as a Lecturer in Law. He secured his J.S.D. Degree from Yale Law School, U.S.A., in 1954 and was appointed Reader in Law at Delhi University in the same year. In 1963, he joined the Indian Law Institute as its Research Director. He was Professor of Law at the Banaras Hindu University from 1965 to 1972 when he rejoined the University of Delhi as Professor of Law. Dr. Jain went as a Visiting Professor to Australian National University, Canberra, in 1966, to the South Asia Institute, Heidelberg, in 1967, to Monash University, Australia, in 1 972, and to the University of Singapore in 1977. He worked as Professor of Public Law at University of Kebagsaan Malaysia from 1990 to 1993 and University of Malay from 1975-1977, 1978-1989 and 1994-1998. Dr. Jain has contributed nearly 200 articles to many learned Indian and foreign law journals. He delivered the Telang Memorial Lectures at the Bombay University in 1972 and the K.M. Munshi Memorial Lectures at the Indian Law Institute in 1982. Dr. Jain is the author of several well-known law books

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