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ICTs, Police and Metropolitan Cities towards 21st Century Policing in India

ICTs, Police and Metropolitan Cities towards 21st Century Policing in India

  • ₹320.00

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  • Author(s): Arpita Mitra
  • Publisher: R. Cambray & Co. Pvt. Ltd
  • Edition: 1 Ed 2018
  • ISBN 13 9788189659356
  • Approx. Pages 228 + Contents
  • Format Paperback
  • Approx. Product Size 24 x 16 cms
  • Delivery Time Normally 7-9 working days
  • Shipping Charge Extra (see Shopping Cart)

rarity of pertinent research on police and policing in India brings to light the fact that police is analyzed more at the administrative level as it is an arm of the state. Policing as such is studied not disjointedly but is taken as a function of the police. The complete absence of research on policing in India situates the conceptualization of the term into a problematic state. It is print and electronic media which carries out research on police mainly to expose the dearth or the lacunae in effective policing. Serious research work on police and policing in India, is still in a quiescent state and needs motivation and inquiry. 21st century policing in order to be successful requires a professional body relying on science and technology to carry out its tasks. In India, the police forces are still struggling to prove their credentials of professionalism and so new policing is nothing but a mere slogan. The present study is an endeavour to explore priorities and challenges of 21st century policing of the metropolitan cities in India with special reference to the police commissionerate of Kolkata.
The colonial stigma has proved to be an obstacle for the police to reach out to the people. Consequently, police public relationship has to enhance in order to make technological adaptation successful. Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) have revolutionised efficiency at every aspect of living. The police too has to exploit its benefits to improve communication with the people and establish itself as people-friendly. More so, the utilization of ICTs can also make the police efficient, transparent, accountable and prompt. Metropolitan cities have adopted ICTs in governance as well in policing. However, the level of inclusion of ICTs in administration may vary. The study seeks to explore the awareness, sensitization and utilization of ICTs in policing metropolitan cities.
While treading in this less traversed area of research, I owe my deepest respect and gratitude to my Supervisors Prof. Bipul Kumar Bhadra and Prof. Bula Bhadra for their constant support and guidance.
I would also like to express thanks to the Department of Sociology, Jadavpur University for providing me with fellowship to enable me to concentrate fully on the research work in the formative stages.
Table of Contents
Chapter 1. Police, Policing and Information and Communication noitzsimob Technologies (ICTs) axio
Chapter 2. Theoretical Perspectives on Police, Policing and ICTs
Chapter 3. Kolkata Police: From Colonial to The (1690-1855)
Chapter 4. Kolkata Police, ICTS and Modernization
Chapter 5. Kolkata Police, ICTs and Police-Public Relations
Chapter 6. 21st Century Policing in India : Priorities and Challenges
Chapter 7. Conclusion
Author Details
Arpita Mitra

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