- Author(s): J. Jacob Xavier
- Publisher: Macmillan India Ltd
- Edition: 9780230330498
- ISBN 10 0230330495
- Approx. Pages 317 + contents
- Format Paperback
Book Description
This book covers the topics prescribed under the optional paper for the CAIIB curriculum. Human Resources play a crucial role in services industry like banking, as harnessing these resources the right way will lead to best results for all concerned in the industry. Human Resources Management, the management of work and people towards desired ends, is a fundamental activity in any organization in which human beings are employed. A dynamic HRM will help to foster the kind of culture in which clever strategies are conceived and reworked over. In this book, care has been taken to include topics of interest for the younger generation who form the bulk of the employee strength in all progressive banks in the country. An attempt has been made further to define the expectations that an employee as well as the bank have from each other. There is considerable coverage of technology and its applications in banking today as also a chapter on dealing with and training “Generation Y” employees. This book would be of use to those who intend to specialize in the area of HRM.
Module A
Human Resource Management
1. Fundamentals of HRM
2. Organisational Behaviour
3. Organisational Changes
4. HRM in Indian Banks
5. Knowledge Management
Module B
Building an HR Strategy
6. HR as a Strategic Player
7. CEO and His Team
8. Communication
9. HR Functions
10. Performance Management
Module C
Motivation, Training and Skill Development
11. The Learning Process
12. Employee Motivation
13. Employee Development
14. Training Methodology
Module D
Personnel Management and Industrial Relations
15. Industrial Relations (Part A)
16. Industrial Relations 9Part B)
17. Employee discipline (Grievance Redressal and Discipline)
18. Worker’s Participation in Management
19. Employee discipline (Discipline Management)
Author Details
Mr. J. Jacob Xavier is a senior H R Professional with over 30 years experience and has headed HR in Banking, Manufacturing, Media, Healthcare, and Financial services industries. He is professionally qualified in Law, Human Resources and Personnel Management.
He has 20 years experience in Banking; having worked with a nationalized bank, a private bank and a new generation bank. He headed the HR in the later two banks, with complete responsibility for all their HR activities. Passionate about training, he has built training centres in three of the organizations he had worked. Mr. Xavier is Executive and Founder Director of Trinity Academy for corporate Training, Mumbai and is currently associated with a number of firms as HR Advisor, dealing with recruitment, Assessment, Training and Performance Management.