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HRD and Labour Law Referencer 2025 (With Day Planner)

HRD and Labour Law Referencer 2025 (With Day Planner)

  • ₹900.00

In Stock
  • Publisher: Labour Law Reporter
  • Edition: Ed 2025
  • Approx. Pages 272 + Contents
  • Format Hardbound
  • Approx. Product Size 24 x 18 cms
  • Delivery Time Normally 7-9 working days
  • Shipping Charge Extra (see Shopping Cart)

300 + Ready-drafted Employee-Employer Communication Model Appointment Letters for every
category, Different types of Agreements, Charge-sheets, Warning Letters, Notices, Management
policies, Procedures for holding Enquiry and more...

► The headnotes of important judgments are prepared by practicing advocates.
► Additionally, every judgment contains important points to enable readers to read or not to read
     the full judgments.
► The judgments that are selected for publication, do not pertain to police and army personnel or
     the government servants so as to not swell up the volume with irrelevant material.
► In addition to important judgments, informative articles, answers to queries related to Factories Act, ESI Act,
     Pension Scheme, Provident Fund Act, POSH Act, etc., are given by a team of subject matter experts.
Chapter 1    Pre-Employment
Chapter 2    Post Selection
Chapter 3    On the Job
Chapter 4    Agreements
Chapter 5    Chargesheets
Chapter 6    Domestic Enquiry
Chapter 7    Notices
Chapter 8    Office Orders
Chapter 9    Warnings
Chapter 10  Separation
Chapter 11   Sexual Harassment of women at Workplace
Chapter 12   Polices
Chapter 13  Miscellaneous

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