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History of Courts (Legal and Constitutional History of India) (Notes / Guide Books)

History of Courts (Legal and Constitutional History of India) (Notes / Guide Books)

  • ₹120.00

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  • Author(s): Anil K. Nair
  • Publisher: Aparna Publications
  • Edition: Latest Edn.
  • Approx. Pages 116 + Contents
  • Format Paperback
  • Approx. Product Size 27 x 21 cms
  • Delivery Time Normally 7-9 working days

1.    Establishment of East India Company / Charter of 1600
2.    Administration of Justice in Surat
3.    Early Administration if Justice in Madras
4.    Early Administration of Justice in Bombay
5.    Early Administration of Justice in Calcutta
6.    Charter of 1726
7.    Charter of 1753
8.    Granting of Diwani to the Company
9.    Judicial Plan of Warren Hastings, 1772
10.  The Regulating Act, 1773
11.   The Supreme Court at Calcutta
12.  Defects of Regulating Act, 1773
13.  Civil Code of Sir Elijah Impey
14.  Act of Settlement, 1781
15.  Recorder's Court at Madras and Bombay
16.  Supreme Courts at Madras and Bombay
17.  Pitt's India Act, 1784
18.  Judicial Reforms of Lord Cornwalls
19.  Reforms of Sir John Shore
20.  Reforms by the Act of 1797
21.   Reforms of lord Wellesly
22.  Reforms of Cornwallis During his Second Term
23.  Reforms of lord Minto
24.  Charter Act of 1813
25.  Reforms of Lord Hastings
26.  Reforms of Lord Amherst
27.  Reforms of lord William Bentinck
28.  Charter Act of 1833
29.  Establishment of Legislature in 1834
30.  Reforms after William Bentinck (1835 - 1861)
31.   Government of India Act, 1861
32.  The Indian High Courts Act, 1861
33.  The Indian Councils Act, 1861
34.  The Indian Councils Act, 1892
35.  The Indian Councils Act, 1909 (Minto - Morley Reforms)
36.  The Government of India Act, 1919 (Montague - Chelmsford Reforms)
37.  The Government of India Act, 1935
38.  The Federal Court
39.  Constitutional Developments between 1937 to 1947
40.  The Privy Council
41.   Law Commissions in India
Author Details
Anil K. Nair
, Advocate, High Court of Kerala.

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