- Author(s): P.B. Sahasranaman
- Publisher: Mohan Law House
- Edition: 1 Ed 2017
- ISBN 13 9788192986883
- Approx. Pages 1765 + Contents
- Delivery Time Normally 7-9 working days
This book is a complete compendium on the environmental laws of India. It contains the laws made by Indian Parliament, Rules and Notifications issued by the executive Government from time-to-time.The environmental jurisprudence in India is the mainly the principles laid down by the Supreme Court of India from time-to-time. There is no parallel legislation on the same.Those laws laid down by the Supreme Court, followed by High Court and National Green Tribunal are very essential to understand environmental laws of the country. The Digest part contains the important environmental cases on environmental law reported in various journals and some unreported judgments.
Part I Introduction
Part II National Green Tribunal Act, 2010
Part III The Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1981
Part IV Digest of Environmental Cases
Part V Environmental Law Lexicon
Table of Cases
Author Details
Advocate P.B. Sahasranaman is a lawyer practicing mainly on Environmental Law for more than 30years in various Courts and National Green Tribunal in India. His professional knowledge on the subject is reflected in many of the books written by him. He has been appointed as amicus curiae in much number of cases in public interest. He has attended various meetings and seminars on environmental law across the world. He has worked with Justice V. R. Krishna lyer on Kerala Law Reforms Commission and worked with M. C. Mehta in environmental law cases. Environmental law and the author are inseparable as one of the eminent judge said. The environmental jurisprudence in India depends on the principles laid down by the Supreme Court of India from time-to-time. There is no parallel legislation on the same. Those laws laid down by the Supreme Court, followed by High Court and National Green Tribunal are very essential to understand environmental laws of the country. The Digest part contains the important environmental cases on environmental law reported in various journals and some unreported judgments.