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Government Contracts

Government Contracts

  • ₹1,295.00

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This book provides comprehensive information on the law relating to government contracts. It deals with various aspects of the subject, such as the applicability of provisions of the Indian Constitution on State contracts and the contractual liability of States in conflict with foreign parties, as also the historical perspective of the law of State contracts.
The noteworthy features of the book are:
1.  Discussion on e-procurement and issues in public procurement.
2.  A comparative analysis of State liability for breach of contract in other countries.
3.  Exhaustive coverage of defenses like executive necessity, impossibility of
     performance, public policy and remedies of promissory estoppel and legitimate expectation.
4.  An exhaustive coverage of Indian and foreign case law.
5.  Copious headings and sub-headings to facilitate reference.
6.  Up-to-date judicial pronouncements.
7.  Authoritative and dependable.
This work will be immensely useful for judges, practitioners, academicians, government officials and all those who are interested in this field of law.

Table of Cases
List of Abbreviations
1. The Law of Contract and the State Contract
2. Historical Perspective of the Law of State Contracts
3. E-Procurement
4. Application of the Provisions of The Indian Constitution
5. State Liability-An Analogous Study of Other Countries and The Doctrine of Executive Necessity
6. Remedies for the Breach of the State Contract
7. Contractual Liability of State in the Area of Conflict of Laws
1. The Public Procurement Bill, 2012
2. Special Commission on Choice of Law in International Contracts
Subject Index
Author Details
Dr V. Visalakshi :
Associate Professor Dr. RMLNLU, Lucknow
Dr P. Arun Bhupathi :
Assistant Professor Vishnu Dental College, Andhra Pradesh

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