- Author(s): Kristin Van Zwieten
- Publisher: Sweet & Maxwell
- Edition: 5 South Asian Ed 2021
- ISBN 13 9789390529506
- Approx. Pages 1236 + Contents
- Format Hardbound
- Approx. Product Size 24 x 16 cms
- Delivery Time Normally 7-9 working days
- Shipping Charge Extra (see Shopping Cart)
It is a great honour to have been given the opportunity to prepare this edition of Goode on Principles of Corporate Insolvency Law. In doing so, I hope that I have done this important and influential work a measure of justice. I am very grateful to Professor Goode for the time that he has invested in reviewing the manuscript, and more generally to him and his wife, the wonderful Catherine, for the tremendous support and encouragement that they have given to me and to my family over the years. There have been a great many changes in the field since the last edition. There have been significant legislative developments, including the entry into force of the Insolvency Rules 2016, the enactment of the Small Business, Enterprise and Employment Act 2015 and, at the EU level, the passage of the recast European Insolvency Regulation. Equally important has been the role played by judges, who have continued to work to fill some of the many gaps in the statutory regime by the sensible, incremental development of judge-made rules, and to refine the principles that govern the exercise of their discretion. The result is a large body of new case law that has clarified various facets of the English corporate insolvency regime and assisted in the resolution of some of the most complex insolvencies arising out of the global financial crisis.
Chapter 01 : The History and Framework of Corporate Insolvency Law
Chapter 02 : The Foundations of Corporate Insolvency Law
Chapter 03 : The Principles of Corporate Insolvency Law
Chapter 04 : The Concept of Corporate Insolvency Law
Chapter 05 : The Winding-Up Process: An outline
Chapter 06 : Winding-Up: Assets Available for Distribution
Chapter 07 : The Anti-Deprivation Rule
Chapter 08 : The Proof, Valuation and Ranking of Claims in Winding-Up
Chapter 09 : Set-Off and Netting
Chapter 10 : Administrative Receivership
Chapter 11 : Administration
Chapter 12 : Restructuring
Chapter 13 : The Avoidance of Transaction on Winding-Up or Administration
Chapter 14 : Improper Trading and Duties and Liabilities and Directors
Chapter 15 : The European Insolvency Regime
Chapter 16 : International Insolvency
Author Details
Kristin Van Zwieten