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General Bank Management (CAIIB Exam.)

General Bank Management (CAIIB Exam.)

  • ₹365.00

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  • Author(s): IIBF
  • Publisher: Macmillan India Ltd
  • Edition: 1 Ed Rp 2008
  • ISBN 13 9781403926685
  • Approx. Pages 740 + contents
  • Format Paperback

This book on general bank management provides a systematic and comprehensive overview of modern management practices in banks with emphasis on international banking, human resources management, technology management and marketing management. It is an encyclopedia of management practices from the point of view of practitioners of banking. The book is based on the rich experience of authors, who are well known in both the academic world and banking. Though the book is mainly oriented towards banking sector, it would also prove useful to students of management. Indian Institute of Banking and Finance (formerly The Indian Institute of Bankers) was established in 1928. With a membership of over 750 institutional members and over 2.5 lac individual members, it is the largest institute of its kind in the world and is working with a mission "to develop professionally qualified and competent bankers and finance professionals primarily through a process of education, training, examination consultancy/counseling and continuing professional development programs". The Institute has almost all the banks and financial institutions - public sector, private sector, foreign, cooperative, regional rural banks - as members in addition to IT companies and individuals working in the banking and finance industry. The Institute offers a number of professional courses in banking and finance and is managed by a Governing Council consisting of Chairmen of different banks and eminent academicians. The Institute has collaborations with reputed international bodies like Canadian Institute of Bankers; Securities Institute, Australia; World Bank Institute, Washington; American Bankers’ Association and Asian Institute of Management, Manila; and IIMs/XLRI, India for offering courses and CPD programmes to finance professionals.
Module A – International Banking

1.    Exchange Rates
2.    Risk Management and Basics of Derivatives
3.    Documentary Letters of Credit
4.    Facilities for Exporters and Importers
5.    Correspondent Banking and NRI Accounts
6.    Reserve Bank of India and Exchange Control in India, Exim Bank, ECGC, etc.
Module B – Human Resources Management
7.    Fundamentals of Human Resources Management
8.    HRM and Information Technology
9.    Development of Human Resources
10.  Human Implications of Organisations
11.  Employees' Feedback and Reward System
12.  Performance Management
Module C – Technology Management
13.  Information Systems and Technology
14.  IT Applications and Banking
15.  Networking Systems
16.  Information System Security and Audit
Module D – Marketing Management
17.  Introduction to Marketing and Key Concepts
18.  Marketing Planning
19.  Consumer Behaviour
20.  The Art of Customer Service - As Applied to Banking
21.  Consumer and Market Segmentation
22.  Marketing Research
23.  Marketing Mix
24.  Competitor Analysis
25.  Product Strategy
26.  The Concept of Product/Service Delivery
27.  Pricing Strategy and its application in Banking
28.  Bank Distribution Strategy
29.  Promotion Strategy
30.  Sales Training and HRD in Marketing

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