- Author(s): M.I.Varghese
- Publisher: Swamy Law House
- Edition: 4 Ed 2025
- ISBN 13 9789383845422
- Approx. Pages 1518+ Contracts
- Format Hardbound
- Approx. Product Size 24 x 16 cms
- Delivery Time Normally 7-9 working days
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I take pleasure in offering an updated third edition of my book, 'A Treatise on Forest Laws in Kerala'. This book was first published in the year 2012 and a revised second edition was published in the year 2016. Six years having run since the second edition, the number of judgements and legal provisions to be taken into account has grown significantly. There have been remarkable changes in the forest and environment regulations and legal perspectives. The book offers in the most compact format possible materials on the laws relating to forest and environmental matters. The book serve as a useful guide and reference material to professionals, students, forest officers and those who have a keen interest in forest and environmental matters. I continue to believe that more than ever in their day-to- y functions, forest officers are required to discharge duties in terms of provisions of various Acts and Rules relating to forest and environment. It is therefore essential that forest officers have clear understanding of the meaning and implications of these Acts and regulations which would guide their decisions and actions. They also need to be very clear about the powers that have been conferred on them under the relevant Acts and Rules. They should be equipped with the up-to-date knowledge of various provisions and legal decisions.
Part A
1. The Kerala Forest Act, 1961
The Kerala Forest Act, 1961 [History of Forest Legislation]
Kerala Forest (Amendment) Bill, 2019
Kerala Forest Code Volume III – Appendix XI
2. The Forest Settlement Rules, 1965.
3. The Kerala Forest (Salving, Collection and Disposal of Drift and Stranded Timber) Rules, 1995
4. Rules Regarding the Publication of Revised Boundary Descriptions of Reserved Forests
5. The Kerala Forest Produce Transit Rules, 1975.
6. The Kerala Forest (Regulation of Timber Transit by Waterways) Rules, 1965
7. Rule Regarding the Performance of Contracts Entered into with Forest Officers
8. The Kerala Forest (Appeal to The High Court) Rules, 1981
9. Rules Specifying the Officers who are to Exercise the Powers and Duties Conferred or
Imposed by the Act
10. The Kerala Forest Development Fund Rules, 1989
11. The Kerala Forest (Regulation of Rewards) Rules, 1995
12. The Kerala Forest (Restriction on Cutting and Selling of Sandal Trees and Grant of Licence for
Possession and Transport of Sandalwood and Sandalwood Oil) Rules, 2012
13. The Kerala Forest (Regulation of Sawmills and Other Wood-based Industrial Units) Rules, 2021
14. The Kerala Private Forests (Vesting and Assignment) Act, 1971
15. The Kerala Private Forests (Vesting and Assignment) Amendment Ordinance, 2021
16. The Kerala Private Forests (Exemption from Vesting) Rules, 1974
17. The Kerala Private Forests (Vesting and Assignment) Rules, 1974
18. The Kerala Private Forests (Vesting and Assignment) Appeal Rules, 1977
19. The Kerala Vested Forests (Management of Reserved Areas) Rules, 1980
20. The Kerala Private Forests (Tribunal) Rules, 1972
21. The Kerala Preservation of Private Forests Act, 1972
22. The Madras Preservation of Private Forests Act, 1949 Rules under Section 10 of the
Madras Preservation of Private Forests Act, 1946
23. The Kerala Forest Produce (Fixation of Selling Price) Act, 1978
24. The Kerala Forest Produce (Fixation of Selling Price) Rules, 1978
25. Notification of Fix the Selling Price of the Forest Produce
26. The Kerala Forest Resources Development Fund Rules, 1989
27. The Kerala Essential Articles Control Act, 1986
29. The Kerala Preservation of Trees Act, 1986
30. The Kerala Preservation of Trees and Regulation of Cultivation in Hill Areas Ordinance, 1983
31. The Kerala Preservation of Trees and Regulation of Cultivation in Hill Areas Rules, 1983
32. The Kerala Restriction on Cutting and Destruction of Valuable Trees Act, 1974
33. The Kerala Restriction on Cutting and Destruction of Valuable Trees Rules, 1974
34. The Kerala Promotion of Tree Growth in Non-Forest Areas Act, 2005
35. The Kerala Promotion of Tree Growth in Non-forest Areas Rules, 2011
36. Guidelines for Felling and Removal of Trees from Public Places (Circulars)
37. The Kerala Forest (Vesting and Management of Ecologically Fragile Lands) Act, 2003
38. The Kerala Forest (Vesting and Management of Ecologically Fragile Lands) Rules, 2007
39. The Kerala Forest (Vesting and Management of Ecologically Fragile Lands) Tribunal Rules, 2007
40. The Kerala Forest (Vesting and Management of Ecologically Fragile Lands) Appeal Rules, 2011
41. The Kerala Grants and Leases (Modification of Rights) Act, 1980
42. The Kerala Grants and Leases (Modification of Rights) Rules, 1990
43. The Kerala Government Land Assignment Act, 1960
44. The Kerala Land Assignment Rules, 1964
45. The Kerala Forest (Prohibition of Felling of Trees Standing on Land Temporarily or
Permanently Assigned) Rules, 1995
46. The Kerala Forest (Preservation, Reproduction and Disposal of
47. Trees and Timber belonging to Government but Grown on Lands in the Occupation of
Private Persons) Rules, 1975 Rules Regulating the Levy of Kuttikanam on Trees in
Government Lands, 1958
48. The Kerala Land Assignment (Regularisation of Occupations of Forest Lands Prior
to 1-1-1977) Special Rules, 1993
49. The Arable Forest Land Assignment Rules, 1970
50. Special Rules for the Assignment of Government Land for Rubber Cultivation, 1960
51. Rules for Lease of Government Lands for Cardamom Cultivation, 1961
52. Cardamom Rules
Judgment regarding Cutting and Removing Trees from Cardamom Hills Reserve Forest Area
53. The Kannan Devan Hills (Resumption of Lands) Act, 1971
54. The Kannan Devan Hills (Resumption of Lands) Rules, 1971
55. Rule Prohibiting Hunting, Shooting Etc., of Animals, Birds, Fish etc. in the Area Vested in
Government in K.D.H.P. Village
56. The Kannan Devan Hills (Reservation and Assignment of Vested Lands) Rules, 1977
57. The Munnar Special Tribunal Act, 2010
58. Munnar Special Tribunal Rules, 2015
59. Kuthakapattom Rules, 1947 (Travancore)
60. Rules for Sale of Lands for Coffee or Tea Cultivation (Revival) Rules, 1974
61. Settlement Scheme Patta Rules
62. The Kerala Assignment of Government Land to the Scheduled Tribes Rules, 2001
63. Co-operative Colonisation Scheme, 1971
64. High Range Colonisation Scheme Rules, 1968
65. The Kerala Forest (Grazing) Rules, 1985
66. The Kerala Cattle Trespass Act, 1961
67. The Kerala Cattle Trespass Rules, 1962.
68. The Biological Diversity Act, 2002
69. The Biological Diversity Rules, 2004.
70. The Kerala Biological Diversity Rules, 2008..
71. The Environment (Protection) Act, 1986.
72. The Wetlands (Conservation and Management) Rules, 2017
73. The Prevention of Damage to Public Property Act, 1984
74. The Scheduled Tribes and Other Traditional Forest Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights) Act, 2006
75. The Scheduled Tribes and Other Traditional Forest Dwellers (Recognition of Forest rights) Rules, 2007
76. The Kerala Restriction on Transfer by and Restoration of Lands to Scheduled Tribes Act, 1999
77. The Wild Life (Protection) Act, 1972
78. The Wild Life (Stock Declaration) Central Rules, 1973
79. The Wild Life (Protection) Rules, 1995
80. The Declaration of Wildlife Stock Rules, 2003
81. The National Board for Wildlife Rules, 2003
82. The Wildlife (Specified Plant Stock Declaration) Central Rules, 1995
83. The Wild Life (Transactions & Taxidermy) Rules, 1973
84. Wild Life (Specified Plants - Conditions for Possession by Licensee) Rules, 1995
85. Guidelines for appointment of Honorary Wildlife Wardens
86. Standard Operating Procedure for Dealing with Tiger Death Issued by the National Tiger
Conservation Authority
87. The Kerala Wild Life (Protection) Rules, 1978.
88. The Kerala Rules for Payment of Compensation to Victims of Attack by Wild Animals, 1980
Government Orders
Government Orders on Protection of Agricultural Lands from the Damage by Wildlife
90. The Kerala Captive Elephants (Management and Maintenance) Rules, 2012
Important Circulars, Orders and Judgment
91. National Zoo Policy, 1998
92. The Recognition of Zoo Rules, 2009
93. The Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act, 1960
94. The Indian Forest Act, 1927
95. The Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980
96. The Forest (Conservation) Rules, 2003
Revised Guidelines for Laying Transmission Lines Through Forest Areas
Letter regarding Compensatory Afforestation
97. The National Green Tribunal Act, 2010
98. National Forest Policy, 1988
99. Appendix I The Constitution of India and the Environment
100. Appendix II Relevant Extracts from the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act, 1985
101. Appendix III Relevant Extracts from the Arms Act, 1959 & Rules, 1962.
102. Appendix IV Relevant Extracts from the Abkari Act
103. Appendix V Relevant Extracts from the Probation of Offenders Act, 1958
104. Appendix VI The Kerala Forest Service Special Rules, 2010
105. Appendix VII Kerala Forest Subordinate Service Special Rules, 2010
Author Details
M.I.Varghese, The author is an educator and resource person in Forest and Environmental Laws. With his vast experience as a senior forest officer with the Kerala Forest Department, the author has attained commendable knowledge about Forest and Environment Laws. He is a renowned writer who has made significant contributions to Forest and Environment protection and has published several research papers and has written various articles on Forest, Wildlife and Environment. His passion for biodiversity conservation has made him a resource person for various institutions and NGOs. As a legal trainer he had extensively travelled across Northeast India and has trained forest officials of Northeastern states including Assam, Meghalaya, Mizoram and Manipur.