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First Lessons in Financial Reporting - Including Indian Accounting Standards (For CA Final, New ICAI Syllabus) (2 Volume Set)

First Lessons in Financial Reporting - Including Indian Accounting Standards (For CA Final, New ICAI Syllabus) (2 Volume Set)

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Applicable for Nov. 2023 Exams
As per ICAI Syllabus
*   Incorporating Schedule III Amendments
*   Including Ind AS 115 & 116
*   Including May 2023 Solved Paper
Key Features / Highlights
*    Full Coverage of Ca Final Revised New Syllabus
*    Functional presentation of Theory
*    Solved Problems / Illustrations / Case studies Exceeding 550
*    Step-by-Step Methodology to Solving Problems
*    Complete Coverage of all Past Exam Problem under New syllabus
*    Incorporating Standards on Financial Instruments & Revenue
*    Reference to Companies Act 2013 and Schedule III
Volume I
1. Business Combination and Corporate Restructuring
2. Consolidation of Financial Statements
3. Miscellaneous
4. Appendix
Volume 2
•    Standards on Presentation  Ind AS 27, 28, 103, 110, 111 & 112
•    Standards on Consolidation  &  Ind AS 12 & 115
•    Standards on Revenue  Ind AS 19, 37, 102 & 104
•    Standards on Liabilities & Provisions  Ind AS 24, 33, 108 & 113
•    Standards on Disclosure Ind AS 2, 16, 20 23, 36, 38, 40, 41, 105, 106 & 116
•    Standards on Assets  Ind AS 32, 107 & 109
•    Standards on Taxes
•    Standards on Financial Instruments
•    Analysis of  Financial Statements
I.    Ind AS 103 Business Combinations and Corporate Restructuring
Segment I
I.    Computation and Discharge of Purchase Consideration
II.   Basic Amalgamation
III.  Reverse Merger
IV.  Common control
Segment II
I.    Purchasing  Company Holding Shares in Selling Company
II.   Selling Company Holding Shares in Purchasing Company
III.  Cross Holding
Segment - III
I.    Internal Reconstruction
II.   Demerger / Hiving off/ Spin off
III.  Restructuring - Exchange of divisions
IV.  Buy Back of shares
Past Examination Questions
  Consolidation of Financial Statements as per Ind AS 110
Segment - I

A.    Basic Concepts
B.    Bonus Shares
C.    Investments in Preference Shares
D.    Different Reporting Dates
E.    Different Accounting Policies
F.    Exemption from Preparing Consolidates Financial Statements
Segment - II
A.    Step Acquisition
B.    Loss of Control
C.    Consolidated Profit and Loss Account
Segment - III
A.    Multiple Subsidiaries
B.    Chain Holding
C.    Foreign Subsidiaries
Segment - IV
A.    Associates
B.    Joint Venture
Past Examination Questions
III.    Miscellaneous
Corporate Social Responsibility Reporting
Integrated Reporting
IV.  Appendix
The Companies Act 2013 : Schedule III
Volume - II
Segment - A

I.    Standards on Presentation
Ind AS 1      Presentation of Financial Statements
Ind AS 7      Statement of Cash Flows
Ind AS 8      Accounting Policies, Changes in Accounting Estimates and Errors
Ind AS 10    Events after the Reporting Period
Ind AS 21    The Effects of Changes in Foreign Exchange Rates
Ind AS 34    Interim Financial Reporting
Ind AS 101  First-time Adoption of Indian Accounting Standards
II.    Standards on Consolidation
Ind AS 27, 28, 103, 110, 11 & 112    -    Standards on Consolidation
III.    Standards on Revenue
Ind AS 115   Revenue from contracts
IV.    Standards on Liabilities and Provisions
Ind AS 19    Employee Benefits
Ind AS 37    Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets
Ind AS 102  Share-based Payment
V.    Standards on Disclosure
Ind AS 24    Related Party Disclosures
Ind AS 33    Earnings per Share
Ind AS 108  Operating Segments
Ind AS 113  Fair Value Measurement
VI.    Standards on Assets
Ind AS 2      Inventories
Ind AS 16    Property, Plant and Equipment
Ind AS 20    Accounting for Government Grants and Disclosure of Government Assistance
Ind AS 23    Borrowing Costs
Ind AS 36    Impairment of Assets
Ind AS 38    Intangible Assets
Ind AS 40    Investment Property
Ind AS 41    Agriculture
Ind AS 105  Non-current Assets Held for Sale and Discontinued Operations
Ind AS 116  Leases
VII.    Standards on Taxes
Ind AS 12    Income Taxes
VIII.    Standards on Financial Instruments
Ind AS 32, 107 & 109    -    Standards on Financial Instruments
Unit - 1    :    Financial Liabilities and Equity
Unit - 2    :    Financial Assets
Unit - 3    :    Derivatives
Unit - 4    :    Hedge Accounting
Unit - 5    :    Disclosures - A Few Important Aspects
IX - Analysis of Financial Statement
Analysis of Financial Statement
Segment - B
Extracts from Annual Report
Author Details
M.P.Vijay Kumar
Prasad Sivaramakrishnan, B.Com., FCA

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