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The Factories Act along with The Kerala Factories Rules

The Factories Act along with The Kerala Factories Rules

  • ₹760.00

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•    The Factories Act, 1948
•    The Kerala  Factories Rules, 1957
•    Notifications under Factories Act
•    The Kerala Factories (Major Accident Hazard Control) Rules, 2005
•    The Kerala Factories (Welfare Officers) Rules, 1957
•    The Dangerous Machines (Regulation) Act, 1983
•    The Kerala Dangerous Machine (Regulation) Rules, 2001
•    Notifications
•    The Indian Boilers Act, 1923
•    The Special Rules for the Kerala Factories and Boilers Subordinate Service, 1995
•    The Special Rules for the Kerala Factories and Boilers Service, 1996
•    Health and Safety Manual

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