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Erskine May Parliamentary Practice

Erskine May Parliamentary Practice

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  • Author(s): Erskine May
  • Publisher: LexisNexis
  • Edition: 24 Ed 2011
  • ISBN 13 9781405751063
  • Approx. Pages 1097 + contents

Part 1. Constitution and Organization of Parliament
1.    The Constituent part of Parliament
2.    Elections
3.    Disqualification for memberhip if either house
4.    Members and Officers of Pariiament
5.    Rules governing the conduct of Members of both Houses and the disclosure of financial interests
6.    Administration of Parliament and the Parliamentary Estate
7.    Parliamentrary papers and publication
8.    A new Parliament and opening and closing of sesion,
9.    Formal communications between Crown and Parliament and between Lords and Commons
10.  Parliament and international assemblies
Part 2 Powers and Privileges of Parliament
11.  Power and jurisdiction of Parliament
12.  The privilege of Parliament
13.  Privilege of freedom of speech
14.  Privilege of freedom of arrest
15.  Contempts
16.  Complaints of breach of privilege or contempt
17.  The courts and parliamentary privilege
Part 3 Conduct of Business
18.  A sitting: general arangements in the House of Commons
19.  The control and distributiion of time in the House of Commons
20.  Outline of the business of the House of Commons
21.  The process of debate in the House of Commons  by  motion, question and decision
22.  Maintenance of order during debates in the House of Commons
23.  Methods of curtailing debate
24.  Public petitions
25.  Organization and conduct of business in the House of Lords
Part 4 Public Legislation
26.  Preliminary view of public bills
27.  Proceedings on public bills in the House of Commons
28.  Proceedings on public bills in the House of Lords
29.  Proceedings on public bills: matters affecting both houses
30.  Delegated legislation
31.  Parliamentary oversight of European Union matters
Part 5 Financial Procedure
32.  Financial procedure-general
33.  Public expenditure and Supply
34.  Expenditure: Money resolutions
35.  Ways and Means and Finance Bills
36.  The role of the House of Lords in financial procedure
Part 6 Committees
38.  General com mittees in the House of Commons
39.  Select committees in the House of Lords
40.  Joint committees of the Lords and Commons
Part  7 Private Legislaltion
41.  Preliminary view of private bills
42.  Preliminary proceedings in both Houses on private bills
43.  Petitions in favour of, against, or relating to private bills in the House of Commons; and the Court of
44.  Proceedings in the House of Commons on private bills
45.  Proceedings on private and personal bills in the House of Lords

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