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English for Law

English for Law

  • ₹499.00

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  • Author(s): M.A.Yadugiri, Geetha Bhasker
  • Publisher: Cengage
  • Edition: 2 Ed
  • ISBN 13 9789386668301
  • Approx. Pages 506 + Contents
  • Format Paperback
  • Approx. Product Size 24 x 18 cms
  • Delivery Time Normally 7-9 working days
  • Shipping Charge Extra (see Shopping Cart)

Key Features
Use of authentic legal texts dealing with
. the nature and kinds of law, the language of law, and the Indian Constitution
. the processes of law like interpretation of statutes and application of precedents, and
. the important types of legal documents like Judgments, Acts, Plaints and Writs Variety of interesting and challenging exercises focussingon
. understanding the content, organization, style, and format of the reading texts   
.  learning the pronunciation, meaning, and use of the legal terms v   
. discovering and practising the methods of word formation
. understanding the importance of grammatical categories and patterns used to convey different
   meanings and practising their use
 Answer Key to facilitate self-study
. Notes to the teachers explaining the purpose of the activities in the exercises
.  Includes a licence key for our digital learning app, CENGAGE app, that provides access to self-assessment quizzes and flashcards

English for Law is designed as a course book for undergraduate students of taw. It meets the needs of the English syllabus prescribed for the law course, as it covers reading and interpreting different types of texts relevant to the legal profession, legal terms and other vocabulary items, word formation and grammar and usage.
The course book has 16 units and can be completed in two semesters, each covering eight units.
Though the course book has been designed for the students in law colleges, it would be useful also for legal professionals in the early stages of their career. It would be helpful to anyone who desires to improve their reading abilities particularly with reference to legal texts and to rediscover important aspects of English grammar and usage as they are exemplified in legal discourse.

Chapter 1. Nature of Law
Chapter 2. Crime and Civil Wrongs
Chapter 3. Command of Language in the Profession of the Law
Chapter 4. Plain Language and the Law
Chapter 5. The Indian Constitution
Chapter 6. The Impact of Technology on the Practice of Law 
Chapter 7. The International Court of Judge
Chapter 8. Application of Precedents
Chapter 9. Statutory Interpretation
Chapter 10. Legal Reasoning
Chapter 11. Plaints and Writs
Chapter 12. Judgement
Chapter 13. Of Defamation
Chapter 14. Consumer Protection (Amendment) Act, 2000
Chapter 15. The Information Technology act, 2000
Chapter 16. Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Author Details

M. A. Yadugiri,  formerly Professor of English, Bangalore University, has a Ph.D. in Linguistic-Stylistics from the Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru. She has more than 20 years of experience in teaching postgraduate courses on Modern Linguistics, Modern English Structure and Usage, and Stylistics, and has also guided several M.Phil, and Ph.D. students in the areas of English Linguistics, English for Specific Purposes, and Stylistics. As Longman Fellow in the English Language, she has taught and researched at the University of London and as Morley Scholar, she has done research in the area of English for Academic Purposes at the English Language Institute, University of Michigan. Dr. Yadugiri has also taught courses on Communication Skills for Managers at various top institutes of higher education. She has published articles on ELT, ESP, and Stylistics in numerous national and international journals and has also authored books titled Making Sense of English and The Pronunciation of English.

Geetha Bhasker, is Professor and Head of the Department of English at Bangalore University. She has experience of over 19 years in teaching postgraduate courses on Linguistics, Modern English Structure and Usage, and Communicative English, and also guides Ph.D. students in the areas of English Language and Literature. Apart from doctorate in English from Bangalore University and PGDTE from English and Foreign Languages University, Hyderabad, Dr. Bhasker also holds a Diplome Superieure in French and a certificate in German. Her publications in numerous national and international journals include works on i —i c.,,,1!,.!, -.^ rionorai <;pmantire. She has received two National Awards in recognition of her

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