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Enemy Property Act, 1968

Enemy Property Act, 1968

  • ₹45.00

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  • Author(s): Bare Act
  • Edition: Current Year
  • Approx. Pages 23 + Contents
  • Format Paperback
Along With The Enemy Property (Amendment and Validation)
Ordinance (Ord.1 of 2016)
The Enemy Property Rules, 2015
The Enemy Property Act, 1968

1. Short title, extent, Application and Commencement
2. Definitions
3. Appointment of Custodian of Enemy Property for India
    and Deputy Custodian, etc.
4. Appointment of inspectors of enemy property
5. Property vested in the Custodian of Enemy Property for India under
  the Defence of India Rules, 1962 to continue to vest in Custodian
6. Transfer of property vested in Custodian by enemy
    or enemy subject or enemy firm
7. Payment to Custodian of money otherwise payable to an enemy,
   enemy subject or enemy firm
8. Powers of Custodian in respect of enemy property vested in him
9. Exemption from attachment, etc.
10.Transfer of Securities belonging to an enemy
11.Power of Custodian to summon persons and call for documents
12.rotecton for complying with orders of Custodian
13.Validity of action taken in pursuance of orders of Custodian
14.Proceedings against companies whose assets vest in Custodian
15.Returns as to enemy property
16.Registers of returns
17.Levy of fees
18.Divesting of enemy property vested in the Custodian
19.Protection of action taken under the Act
21.Offences by companies
22.Effect of laws in consistent with the Act
23.Power to make rules
24.Certain orders made under the Defence of
India Rules, 1962, to continue in force
25.Repeal and saving
1. Short title and commencement
2. Definitions
3. Procedure for identification of immovable property
4. Procedure for declaration and vesting of the enemy property
5. Procedure for preservation, management and control of immovable property
6. Procedure for taking possession of moveable property
7. Procedure for taking possession of certain moveable property
8. Preparation of inventory of moveable property
9. Preparation of inventory of immoveable property
10.Internal audit
11.National survey
12.Payment to Custodian of income from enemy property
13.Receipts from District authority
14.Unauthorised occupant
15.Procedure for divestment of enemy property vested in Custodian .
ANNEXURE I.—Statement showing details of property under process stage
ANNEXURE II.—Statement showing details of declared/vested property .
ANNEXURE III.—Statement showing details of income receiving property
FORM 1.—Show cause notice
FORM 2.—Certificate under section 12 of the Enemy Property Act, 1968 .
FORM 3.—Authorisation order of the enemy property
FORM 4.—Notice board
FORM 5.—Leave and licence agreement
FORM 6.—Inventory of movable enemy property
FORM 7.—Statement showing details of inventory of immovable property
FORM 8.—Receipt for payments to government

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