- Author(s): S.D. Puri, Sundeep Puri
- Publisher: Snow White Publications Pvt Ltd
- Edition: 8 Ed 2019
- ISBN 13 9789350393291
- Approx. Pages 1274 + Contents
- Format Hardbound
- Approx. Product Size 24 x 18 cms
- Delivery Time Normally 7-9 working days
• The Employees' Provident Funds Scheme, 1952,
• The Employees' Deposit-Linked Insurance Scheme, 1976
• The Employees' Pension Scheme, 1995,
• The tribunal (Procedure0 Rules, 1997.
• The Employees' Provident Fund Appellate Tribunal (Presiding Officer) Recruitment Rules, 2016
• The Employees' Provident Fund Organisation (Mutli-tasking Staff) Recruitment Regulations, 2017
• Ratios and Relevant text with Page No & Para No. of the journal of almost all judgements of
Supreme Court and High Courts Reported in 12 Labour Journals
• Total 2760 Ratios of Judgements Covered till the year 2018
• The Employees' Provident Funds and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952 [Sec. 1 to Sec. 23]
• Act a Glance
• Important Notifications incorporated
• Ratios of Supreme Court Decisions (Chapter wise)
• Section Index
• Nominal Index (Table of Cases) - Alphabetical
• Court-wise Index
• Suject Index (Alphabetical)
Added Features of the Book
• Article on contract of employment vis-a-vis contract for employment under Labour Laws and Agency
1. Applicability of the Act (Ratio No.1.1 to 1.350)
2. Definitions Extensions (Ratio No.2.1 to 2.428)
3. Schemes under the Act (Ratio No.3.1 to 3.293)
4. Determination and Recovery of Dues (Ratio No.4.1 to 4.620)
5. Protective Provisions (Ratio No.5.1 to 5.118)
6. Penalties (Ratio No.6.1 to 6.214)
7. Damages under Section 14-B (Ratio No.7.1 to 7.394)
8. Exemption from Applicability (Ratio No.8.1 to 8.54)
9. Exemptions and Transfers (Ratio No.9.1 to 9.102)
10. Power to remove the Difficulties (Ratio No. 10.1 to 10.3)
11. Industries Covered by Schedule I (Ratio No. 11.1 to 11.66)
12. Functional Integrality, Natural Justice, Consumer Protection Act & Others
(Ratio No.12.1 to 12.118)
13. Contract of employment vis-a-vis Contract for employment under Labour Laws and Agency
A. The Employees' Provident Funds Scheme, 1952 [Para 1 to Para 83]
B. The Employees' Deposit-Linked Insurance Scheme, 1976 [Para 1 to Para 29]
C. The Employees' Pension Scheme, 1995 [Para 1 to Para 44]
D. The Tribunal (Procedure) rules, 1997 [Rule 1 to Rule 29]
E. Employees' Provident Funds Appellate Tribunal (presiding Officer) Recruitment Rules, 2016
[Rule 1 to Rule 6]
F. The Employees' Provident Fund Organisation (Multi-Tasking Staff) Recruitment
Regulations, 2017 [Reg. 1 to Reg. 6]
Scheduled & Important Notifications/Circulars
Subject Index
Author Details
S. D. Puri (Advocate)
The Author is a Graduate from Agra University and has been in the Labour field for more than 65 years. He has completed Diploma in Labour Welfare and Law Degree from Bombay University and has worked as a Labour Officer, Personnel Officer and Personnel Manager for about 10 years and thereafter has practiced Labour Laws for about 40 years in Labour Court, Industrial Court, High Court and Supreme Court.
He has conducted many seminars and workshops on Labour Laws and presented papers on Labour Laws. He had also made six Video Cassettes on Labour Laws in the year 1980.
Sundeep Puri (Advocate)
The Author is a Graduate in Law from Bombay University and he is in labour field for more than 31 years. He is practicing before Labour and Industrial Courts for many Corporate and Multinational Companies. He has been actively associated with many Employer organizations and has conducted seminars and workshops. He has also written and read papers on labour laws in the employers' seminars. He has been writing legal bullet on behalf of Bombay Management Association. Besides he has been chairman for HRD Committee of Indian Merchant's Chamber. He is presently the Chairman of the HRD Committee of the Indian Merchant's Chamber