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Embracing ESG in India

Embracing ESG in India

  • ₹595.00

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  • Author(s): Garima Dadhich, Ravi Raj Atrey
  • Publisher: Taxmann
  • Edition: Ed 2024
  • ISBN 13 9789364551168
  • Approx. Pages 192 + Contents
  • Format Paperback
  • Approx. Product Size 24 x 16 cms
  • Delivery Time Normally 7-9 working days
  • Shipping Charge Extra (see Shopping Cart)

This book is in continuation to the IICA Corporate Excellence Publication Series with the Taxmann Publications Pvt. Ltd. The first book in the series "Benchmarking ESG & CSR - A compendium of best practices in Environ- mental, Social & Governance (ESG) and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in India" was published by Taxmann Publications Pvt. Ltd. in June
Present book "Embracing ESG in India - Compilation of the Case Studies of Torch Bearers, Promoters & Initiators of the Change" is second in the IICA Corporate Excellence Publication Series. The book presents new case studies of the companies taking innovative initiatives within Environ- mental-Social-Governance Framework. Unique features of the book are that it captures the best practices not only by Indian businesses participated in a national exhibition organized by the IICA, but also dwells upon key initiatives being taken by different Government Ministries and Agencies as well as some of the Inter-Governmental and International Organizations in the realm of embracing ESG. The book is divided into five key parts viz., Introduction, the Torch Bearers, the Promoters, the Initiators of embracing ESG in India, and the Way ahead.
Chapter 1 of the book on Introduction gives the background and rationale of the adoption, integration and disclosures of Environmental-Social-Gov- ernance Frameworks, latest developments in this area at global level and how Indian businesses and other institutions are making efforts to embrace the change. It also provides a summary of key discussions held during the National Conference on Responsible Business Conduct organized by the Indian Institute of Corporate Affairs in December 2023 in New Delhi.
Table of Contents
Chapter 1. Introduction
Chapter 2. The Torch Bearers
Chapter 3. The Promoters
Chapter 4. The Initiators
Chapter 5. The Actions and way forward
Author Details

Dr. Garima Dadhich is an internationally recognized Scholar in the stream of ESG. She is Associate Pro- fessor & Founder Head of the School of Business Environment at the Indian Institute of Corporate Affairs, where she ideated the one and only Certified ESG Professional: Impact Leader Programme and a Certificate Programme in Sustainable Finance. She also heads National Foundation for Corporate Social Responsibility and Centre for Business & Human
Rights at IICA. She holds PhD in Corporate Governance and LLM in Com- mercial & Corporate Laws from the Queens Marry University, London. She has obtained various professional certifications from Cambridge University, Harvard University, Centre for Effective Dispute Resolution, World Sustain- able Finance Association in Law, Sustainable Finance, Dispute Resolution & Board Effectiveness. She has undertaken various research projects for the Ministry of Corporate Affairs and has provided policy support to the Gov- ernment. She is also a visiting faculty to the Lal Bahadur Shastri National Academy of Administration (LBSNAA), Musoorie.
Dr. Ravi Raj Atrey is a well acclaimed scholar and a diversified professional. He holds Doctorate in Corpo- rate Social Responsibility, and Masters level degrees in Economics, Business Administration, International Law & Diplomacy, Social Work and Human Rights. During his two decades of experience with several Ministries, Civil Society Organizations, Academic Institutions, Corporate and Consulting Firms, he developed expertise in various aspects of Sustainability & ESG including CSR, BHR, Brand Building, Governance and Sustainable Finance. He has authored the book 'Exploring Corporate Social Responsi- bility: Fundamentals & Implementation' and propounded the famous "Tree Model' for integrating responsible business conduct. He presently works as the Chief Programme Executive with the School of Business Environment, Indian Institute of Corporate Affairs.

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