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Dialectics And Dynamics Of Human Rights

Dialectics And Dynamics Of Human Rights

  • ₹810.00

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  • Author(s): Dr. Annie John
  • Publisher: Asia Law House
  • Edition: 1 Ed 2012
  • ISBN 13 9789381849668
  • Approx. Pages 803 + contents
  • Format Paperback

Human rights are designated for fortification of human race. These rights emerged as a protective shield against the act of torture, injustice, and violation of the Natural rights of the human beings. Philosopher, Humanist, Audrey Hepburn said that, People, even more than things, have to be restored, renewed, revived, reclaimed and redeemed.
Human rights ensure"Protection of the inherent dignity and that of the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family including women. It is a well-recognized principle that human rights are those natural rights, which are available to human being "by birth. Thus, the centrality of human rights is the dignity of the individual, liberty and equality of status and to make them more meaningful they are woven around the right to education, health, shelter, congenial environment without discrimination as basics to unity and fraternity among the people Civil and Political rights, Social, Economic and Cultural rights have been elaborated to feed and give a wider content to the Human Rights. Thus, Universal Declaration of Human Rights urges the member Nations to treat these rights as part of the "foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world".
The notion of human rights was championed by humanists, philanthropists, rationalists, intellectual persons etc. They supported human rights through notable theories of rights such as Natural Law theory of Rights, Social Contract theories of Rights, Utilitarian theory of Rights, Social welfare theory of Rights, Positive theory of Rights, Marxist theory of Rights, Morality of law theory of Rights, Egalitarian theory of Rights, Theories of Rights based on Equality, Theory of Rights with a variable content, Theories of Rights based on Dignity, Historical theory of Rights and Idealistic theory of Rights.
Later, the human rights are recognized and codified by the United Nations Organization. In this linkage, I wish to reproduce the expression of the former United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Mary Robinson, "We must understand the role of human rights as empowering of individuals and communities. By protecting these rights, we can help to prevent many conflicts based on poverty, discrimination and exclusion (social, economic and political) that continue to plague the humanity and destroy decades of development efforts. The vicious circle of human rights violations that lead to conflicts-which in turn lead to more violations-must be broken. I believe we can break it only by ensuring respect for all human rights." It is the wisdom of human being that an Egalitarian World to be built for the establishment of humanity around the globe. The laws with regard to human rights assume International dimensions, since, it's codification by the United Nations Organization in form of Declarations, Guidelines, Conventions etc. They are being implemented by the member States in their own countries through the medium of their National laws. The National laws of the human rights are vibrant instruments in the organic society. In this context, I would like to appeal the content of the United Nations Charter, "We the People of the United Nations, determined to reaffirm faith in the fundamental human rights, in the dignity and worth of the human person, in the equal rights of men and women and of nations large and small..."
1.    Right to Food as a Human Right - National and Internatic Perspectives
2.    Human Rights and Protection of Life and Personal Liberty
3.    Understanding the Right to Health in National and International
        Domain - A Human Right Perceptive
4.    Relevance of Right to Privacy as a Human Right in the Modern world
5.    Democracy and Human Rights
6.    Honour Killing - A Curse To Human Dignity
7     Right To Protest- its genesis and growth as a human right
8.    Tribal Protection in India - A Human Rights Perspective
9.    An Exemplar Swing on Food Security
10. The Third World & Sanctions: An Ethical Dilemma
11.  Hate Crimes at the backdrop of Human Rights Violation
12. Humanism - Humanitarian law - Poverty Food Security -Economic
13.  Child Pornography on Internet: Protection of Human Rights of Child In India
14. A Thematic Study Of Human Rights Violations In The Indian C
15. Ambedkarism and Protection of the Subaltern's Human Rights
16. Concept of Human Rights and Rise of the Dalit Literary
17. Human Rights and Consumer
18. Female Foeticide in India - A Jurisprudential Critique
19. Human Rights Perspectives on Domestic Violence - An Overview Dr.
20. Right To Sleep - A Fundamental Right?
21. Probation Services: Preserving Human Rights by Rehabilitation of Offenders and Prisoners
22. Human Rights and Disabilities
23. From Caring to Rights Approach to Rights of Disabled Persons:
       International & National Scenario
24. Human Rights of Persons with Disabilities with special Reference
       education and empowerment: The Indian Perspective
25. Law: An Effective Tool of Empowering 'Disabled'
26. The Disability and Human Rights
27. Human Rights of Disabled: Perspectives in India
28. Human Rights of Women: Legal Measures, Strategies and Action I
29. Human Rights and Women Empowerment
30. Human Rights and Disability
31. The Unborn and Human Rights with Special Reference to Female Foeticide
32. Human Rights and Social Justice: a women's View Point
33. Human Rights of Women in Indian Perspective
34. Human Rights of Women- National and International Perspective
35. Feminist Awakening
36. Human Rights of Women Construction Workers in Maharashtra Dr.
37. Feminist Jurisprudence and dimensions of human rights -International Perspectives
38. Human Rights of Unborn Child: National and International Perspectives
39. Human Rights and Empowerment of Women
40. Recognizing the Importance of Women's Human Rights
41. Protection of Human Rights of Women- International and National Perspectives
42. Human Rights and Women
43. Female Foeticide - A Threat to the Human Race
44. Legal policies as causative factor of Disempowerment of woman
       -An analysis from human rights perspectives
45. Empowerment of Women, Right to Property of Women in India
       -A New Dimension of Feminism
46. Towards a more Gender Sensitive Human Rights Jurisprudence
47. Human Rights - A Women's Perspective
48. "Dialectics and Dynamics of Human Rights" Human Rights of Women
49. Womens and Protection of Human Rights
50. Human Rights and Women
51. Indian Maoist Activism Vis a Vis Children's Rights: A Human Rights Perspectives
52. Human Rights of Women, International and National Perspectives An Assessment
53. The Notion of Feminism with special reference to Female -foeticide and Infanticide in India- Human Rights Perspective
54. Empowerment of women: a global challenge of era
55. Human Rights and Global Challenges
56. Role of Supreme Court in Protection of Human Rights Under Environmental Laws In India
57. Grant of Patents and Violation of Human Rights - A Ground Rea Dr.
58. Human rights and challenges to India's Patent Regime
59. Patenting Genetic Technology - Human Rights Perspective
60. Human Rights and Global Challenges -New Patent Regime
61. Terrorism-Counter Terrorism and Violation of The Human Right!
62. Terrorism reflects a Global Threat to Human Rights and Challenges
       & Responses - A study with special reference to India's Security Controls
63. Human Rights Violation from the Prespective of Counter-Terrorism Policy
64. Environment Issues: a global challenge
65. Human Rights in India in Context with Terrorism and it's Implications: A Critical Study
66. Globalised Terrorism and Universal Challenges to Protect Human R
67. Right to Healthy Environment -A Journey to 'Human Right' via Sustainable Development
68. Conceptual Challenges To Human Rights Jurisprudence
69. Interpreting the Interpreted - Some Refelections on Text and Context
       of Sections 494, 498-A and 304-B of IPC
70. Humiliation of Human Rights - Animated Challenges in India
71. "National Human Rights Commission is as Toothless Tiger"
72. The Role of Judiciary in Developing Human Rights Jurisprudence Dr.
73. The Fourth Estate: Protector or violator of Human Rights?
74. The Role of Judiciary: A Human Rights Protector
75. Realisation of Womens Rights Against Domestic Violence and Proactive
       Role of Judiciary- Analytical Study
76. Role of Judiciary in Protection of Human Rights
77. The Role of Media Headed for Protection and Promotion of Human Rights
78. Human Rights and Media
79.  Corporate Human Rights Violation in India - Critical Analysis
80. Rights of the Indigenous - A Teasing Illusion
81. Woman Empowerment: Constitutional mandate and Judicial Approach
82. A Critical Role of Police for Protection of Human Rights with Special Reference to Indian Scenario
83. Human Rights and its Challenges in The 21st Century
84. Role of Judiciary in Realization of Human Rights
85. Role of the NHRC: Realization of Human Rights
86.  Role of Judicial Activism and H.R. in India
87. Human rights of Prisoners: Judicial Response
88. Realising Access to Health Care
89. Human Rights of Women- "National and International perspective
90. Women Rights are Really Protected!?
91. The Face of Vulnerability: Women Socially Abused and Legally Protected
93  Human Rights and Environmental Outlook - In the Indian Scenario
94. Human Rights and Globalization
95. Human Rights in the Era of Economic Liberalization - In Need of a Paradigm
       Shift? A Look from the Indian Perspective
97.  Human Rights of women
99.  CEDAW
102. Arguing woman Empowerment: Loading the Legal stratigies with 'Human Right's Rider
Author Details
Dr. Annie John, LLM, Ph.D. in Law, Research Guide in Law, S.R.T.M. University, Nanded. Acharya Nagarjuna University, A. P., Member, Board of Studies Swami Ramanand Teerth Marathwada University, Nanded, Member, Research Review Committee S.R.T.M. University, Nanded, Board of University Exams, S.R.T.M. University, Nanded. During her period, numbers Df new courses are started (1) PG Diploma in L.P.S.S., (2) Certificate Course in Cyber Laws, (3) Certificate Course in Human Rights.

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