- Author(s): S. Seetharaman Potty
- Publisher: SAS Publications
- Edition: 2 Ed 2016
- Approx. Pages 126 + Contents
- Format Paperback
- Delivery Time Normally 7-9 working days
- Shipping Charge Extra (see Shopping Cart)
[With Relevant Extract of The Kerala state and Subordinate Services Rules, 1958 [Orders Isued upto 31.12.2015]
A HANDBOOK ON DEPARTMENTAL PROMOTION COMMITTEE RULES & PREPARATION & MAINTENANCE OF CONFIDENTIAL REPORTS" is the 2nd Edition. We have published a good number of very useful publications on topics like A Study on KSR (Parts I, II 85 III), A Manual of Civil Service Laws in Kerala, Handbook on Kerala State 85 Subordinate Services Rules, Manual of Rules Relating to Disciplinary Proceedings in Kerala, Medical Reimbursement Rules, Government Servants' Conduct Rules, General Provident Fund (Kerala) Rules, Handbook on Rules Relating to Leave Without Allowances, Handbook on Declaration of Probation, Handbook on Manual of Office Procedure, Kerala Village Manual, Manual of Vigilance & Anti-Corruption Laws in Kerala, etc., etc. All our publications have received considerable encouragement and support from a very large number of Government Employees, Service Associations and persons in the legal profession
1. Extract of Kerala State & subordinate Service Rules
2. Departmental Promotion Committee Rules
3. Preparation & Maintenance of Confidential Reports
4. Index of Government Orders