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Criminal Law Criminology and Administration of Criminal Justice

Criminal Law Criminology and Administration of Criminal Justice

  • ₹1,195.00

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  • Author(s): K.D. Gaur
  • Publisher: Universal LexisNexis
  • Edition: 4 Ed Rp 2023
  • ISBN 13 9789388267533
  • Approx. Pages 1398 + contents
  • Format Paperback
  • Approx. Product Size 24 x 16 cms
  • Delivery Time Normally 7-9 working days
  • Shipping Charge Extra (see Shopping Cart)

The book is the outcome of a UGC sponsored International workshop on Criminal Law, Criminology and Administration of Criminal Justice organized by the Post- Graduate Department of Law and Research of Utkal University, Bhubneshwar during 1990s, when I was heading the department. It covers important areas of topical significance in the field of Criminal Law, Criminology and Administration of Criminal Justice. An endeavour has been made to discuss the latest judicial and administrative techniques of creativity through development of case laws. Juristic expositions and innovations in this important branch of knowledge which closely touches and concerns every man in his day-to-day life. Keeping in view the broad objective, an effort has been made to include literature covering various aspects of criminal law, criminology and human rights including other social sciences related materials of topical interest.
The book has been divided into six sections. Section I entitled "Goals of Constitution Rule of Law and Administration of Criminal Justice" includes articles relating to Constitutional ethos, importance of liberty, political reality and rule of law, contemporary challenges social, economic and political justice as enshrined in the preamble and directive principles of the Constitution and role of the media. Articles relating to importance of values in a democracy, Role of Responsible opposition. A Fresh book on Malimath Committee Report constitutional rights of children to free and compulsory education etc., have been included.
Section I : Goals of Constitution and Administration of Criminal Justice

1.    Justice, Justice and Justicing-A Troika of Perestroika
2.    Rule of Law - Contemporary Challenges
3.    Administration of Justice
4.    The Indian Criminal Justice System
5.    Values in a Democaracy
6.    Reform of the Criminal Justice System of India
7.    Importance of Liberty and Democracy in India
8.    Criminal Justice Reform - A Fresh Look on Malimath Committee Recommendations
9.    Role of Responsible Opposition in Parliamentary Democracy
10.  Political Reality the Rule of Law and Teleological Morality
11.  Criminal Justice Reform - A Fresh Look on Malimath Committee Recommendations
12.  Constitutional Rights and Freedom of t Media in India
13.  Rule of Law, Criminal Justice Delivery System, and the Role of Media
14.  Directive Principles of State Policy and Distribution of Material Resources with Special Reference to Natural Resources
15.  The Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education act 2009: A Juridical Critique  of its Constitutional Perspective
16.  Justice to Victims of Crime
17.  The Juvenile Justice Act, 2015 Critical Understanding
Section II : Crime and Criminal Law
18.  Growing Crimes - Deterrent Punishment-Search for Appropriate Theory of Punishment
19.  Fundamental Principles of Criminal Justice - A Fresh Look
20.  The Criminal  (In) Justice System
21.  Crime - AIMS and Objects
23. Principles of Criminal Law
24.  The Symbiosis between Criminal Codes and the Common Law
25.  Paradoxes in common Law of Crime a Comparative Analysis in the Light of
       Criminal Law of United Kingdom, Hond Kong and India
26. Proportionality in Non-Capital Sentencing the U.S. Supreme Court's Tortued Approach to Cruel and Unusual Punishment
27.  Law of Criminal Proceedings in India and England - A Comparative Study
28. White Collar Crime and its impact on Society
29. Abortion and Law in the Countries of the Indian Sub-content, South East Asia, United Kingdom, Ireland and the United States of America
30.  The Right to Silence a View from West
31.  Cyber Related Crimes and Law
32. Defamation-British/ American Comparison
33. Mass Media and Crime -A Critical Reveiw
34. Police Investigation-A Reveiw
Section III : Human Rights and Criminal Law
35.  Human Rights - The Essence of Constitutional Governance - Indian Scenario
36.  Human Rights in the Criminal Justice System
37. The Aesthetics of Human Rights : Law, Language and Performatives
38.  The Epistemology of Human Rights : A Theoretical Essay
39. Right to Human Dignity of Convict under 'Shadow of Death' and Freedoms 'Behind the Bars' in India : A Reflective Percpection
40. Human Rights to Life and Personal Liberty
41.  Law Reform and Human Rights
42.  Human Rights of Detainees and Prisoners Suggestions for Prison Reform
43.  Human Rights and wrongs in our won backyard - international law as a remedial
        source for women in U.S. prisons
44.  The Phenomenon of Interference with Human life
45.  International Human Rights Vis-a-Vis Human rights Movements in india
46.  Revisiting award of compensation for violation of fundamental human rights
47.  Criminal Abuse of Constitutional Privileges
48. Gender Bias Vis-a-Vis Human Rights an Indian Scenario
49.  Human Trafficking in India with special reference to child and women trafficking -
        issues and perspectives

Sectopm IV : Criminal Jurisprudence and social Defence
50.  Social Justice and the Handicapped Humans
51.  Sexual Offences against women and offences of bride-buring
52.  Women, Law and Morality
53.  Law and the Poor Some Recent Developments in India
54.  Right to Food : International and National Perspectives
55.  Euthanasia and Assisted Sucicide: Revisiting the Sancity of Life Principles
56.  Rights of the Accused and Prisoners
57. Poor Victim of Uses and Abuses of Criminal Law and Process in India a Human Right Approach
58. Right of the "Alive [who] but has no life at all
59.  Criminal Judicial System and Social Defences
Section V : Crime Control, Terrorism and Criminal Process
60.  Human Rights and Terrorism
61.  International Perspective on Death Penality
62.  The Death Penalty in Americe - can Justice be done?
63.  Torture of the Girl Child
64.  DNA Profiling and the Forensic Use  of DNA Evidence
Section VI : Miscellaneous Articles
65.  Germany - Country without Capital Pubishment
66.  German Criminal Law Relating to International Terrorism
67.  Why and How Federlism Matters In Elimination of Disparities
68.  Citizenship Right to Vote
69.  Law of Insurance in India
70. Liability of Lawyer in Contempt in Facie Curial
71.  Liability for Reckless Infection
62.  Defamation - British/americal Comparison
63.  Law of Telecommunication and Broadcasting
74. Policing Drug Addicts in Germany some results of an Empirical Study
Author Details
K.D. Gaur

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