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Criminal Drafting and Pleadings with Model / Sample Forms

Criminal Drafting and Pleadings with Model / Sample Forms

  • ₹495.00

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  • Author(s): George Johnson
  • Publisher: Em Tee En Publications
  • Edition: 8 Ed 2022
  • ISBN 10 8188058882
  • ISBN 13 9788188058884
  • Approx. Pages 192 + Contents
  • Format Paperback
  • Approx. Product Size 24 x 18 cms
  • Delivery Time Normally 7-9 working days
  • Shipping Charge Extra (see Shopping Cart)


Model Petitions and Applications fo Criminal Courts, before Police, Sub-Divisional Magistrate etc.
Formats For Private complaint, Legal Notice, Reply Notice etc.

For better administration of criminal justice, it is necessary that the needs of the litigants are communicated to the Court in proper manner. The Procedural Law which deals with administration of justice in criminal matters are laid down in the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 and in the Criminal Rules of Practice. Every application which is filed in the Court under the relevant provisions has to adhere to the statutory prescriptions as laid down in the said provisions. A comprehensive book like the present one containing formats of applications and petitions that can be presented before Criminal Court is highly necessary for any Lawyer practising on the criminal side. This book is in its 6th edition. Previous edition of this book was published in the year 2012 and it was authored by Sri. Alert Varghese, Advocate, High Court of Kerala. I have made earnest endeavour in revising this book so as to make this book more handy and useful. I sincerely hope that this book will be of great use for Lawyers and litigants who seek justice before Criminal Courts. There are chances that some errors might have crept in this book in spite of my earnest efforts. I would be much obliged if any such errors are noticed and brought to my notice. It can be rectified in future edition.
General Contents
1.    Preface
2.    General Contents
3.    Detailed Contents
Basic Petitions / Memos
Petition to condone absence of complaint / accused
Private Complaint
Summons / summons to witnesses
Search Warrant 
Petition for Medical Treatment / Examination 
Attachment of property / Claim Petition
Interim custody of property
Proceeding under Section 107 and 110
Family Court matters
Section 133 proceedings
Cheque cases
Application for personal exemption
Withdrawing from prosecution
Application for adjournment
Transfer of case
Bail / Anticipatory Bail
Petition for suspension of sentence
Revision Petition 
Discharge of Sureties under Section 444
Withdrawal of complaint
Examination of witness
Petition to examine the accused as a witness / recall witness
Petition to Re-open evidence
Petitions filed during trial / examination
Argument notes
Compounding Petition
Abducted women / Wrongful confident
Copies of judgments
Notifying address of a convicted person Appeal
Contempt proceeding
Condonation of delay
Application under Section 482 of the Criminal Procedure Code
Probation of Offenders Act
Surrendering of accused
Petition for local inspection
Application for initiation of prosecution regarding
Application to the Magistrate under Section 40 CrPC
Search of Place suspected to contain stolen property
Petition by a lunatic's guardian
Lok Ayukta

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