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Conveyancing, Precedents and Forms

Conveyancing, Precedents and Forms

  • ₹595.00

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  • Author(s): Shiva Gopal
  • Publisher: Eastern Book Company
  • Edition: 6 Ed RP 2016
  • ISBN 13 9789388822749
  • Approx. Pages 648 + contents
  • Format Paperback
  • Approx. Product Size 24 x 18 cms
  • Free CD / DVD Free CD
  • Delivery Time Normally 7-9 working days
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This book has gone far beyond the everyday concept of conveyancing which means legal documentation of one of the various forms of transferring property.  It deals with a more vast field of helping out a lawyer in his multifarious legal duties, whether it be a suit on a promote or an election petition. Not only a new entrant in the legal profession but even a seasoned lawyer is bound to get very useful material from this encyclopaedic book. This is thoroughly revised and enlarged edition of he book. It is a fairly comprehensive work on conveyaning and drafting of various types of documents, including the documents under special enactments… It has got a practical utility for the practicing lawyers as well as for other concerned persons. The book contains the essential points to be borne in mind by a draftsman and also the forms for different transactions. The treatment is good and very helpful to lawyers and draftsman of documents. …a book which will undoubtedly find a place in the library of every conveyancer.
1.    Introduction
2.    Acknowledgement
3.    Adoption
4.    Affidavits
5.    Agreements
6.    Arbitration
7.    Assignments
8.    Bonds
9.    Contract of a Apprenticeship
10.  Easements
11.  Exchange
12.  Family Settlement
13.  Gifts
14.  Guarantee
15.  Hire Purchase Agreement
16.  Indemnity
17.  Leases
18.  Licences
19.  Mortgage, Charge & Pledge
20.  Negotiable Instruments
21.  Notices
22.  Partition
23.  Partnership
24.  Patents, Trade Marks & Copyright
25.  Power of Attorney
26.  Proxy
27.  Receipts
28.  Rectification and Rescission of Deeds
29.  Release and Relinquishment
30.  Sales
31.  Settlements
32.  Trusts
33.  Wills
34.  Pleadings and Plaints
35.  Petitions in Arbitration Matters
36.  Election Petitions
37.  Petitions in Guardianship matters
38.  Petitions in insolvency matters
39.  Petitions in Matrimonial Maters
40.  Petitions in Motor Accident Claims
41.  Petitions in Testamentary and Non-testamentary Matters
42.  Writ Petitions

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