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Contract - II (Special Contracts)

Contract - II (Special Contracts)

  • ₹900.00

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  • Author(s): Dr. S.R. Myneni
  • Publisher: Asia Law House
  • Edition: 2 Ed 2022
  • ISBN 13 9789394739079
  • Approx. Pages 552 + contents
  • Format Paperback
  • Approx. Product Size 24 x 16 cms
  • Delivery Time Normally 7-9 working days
  • Shipping Charge Extra (see Shopping Cart)

'Law of Contract' is the heart of the legal framework for formation of trade, business and commercial transactions. It touches equally upon the lives of ordinary persons and the activities of small and big business. This branch of law deals with law relating to promises, their formation, performance and enforceability. It is a subject of interest of not only advocates and judges, but also of every one i.e., academicians, students, arbitrators, businessmen, corporate houses, accountants, administrators, etc. There is, perhaps, no subject which touches a person's life at more points than the Law of Contract. Its fundamental principles were evolved in England and took shape through judicial decisions over a number of centuries. In India, it was crystalised in the sections of the Indian Contract Act, 1872, which was based mainly on the English Common Law. Now, the Law of Contract consists of the Contract Act, 1872, Specific Relief Act, 1963, Sale of Goods Act, 1930 and Partnership Act, 1932. All these acts have been dealt with in these two volumes of 'Contract-I & IF in detail alongwith case law, illustrations and practical problems.
Unit I - The Contract of Indemnity; Guarantee; Bailment and Pledge

Chapter 1 :  Contract of Indemnity
Chapter 2 :  Contract of Guarantee
Chapter 3 :  Contract of Bailment, Lien & Pledge
Unit II - Agency
Chapter 1 :  Contract of Agency
Chapter 2 :  Creation of Agency
Chapter 3 :  Rights and Duties of Agent
Chapter 4 :  Delegation of Authority
Chapter 5 :  Personal Liability of Agent [Relation of Agent with Third Person]
Chapter 6 :  Relation of Principal with Third Party
Chapter 7 :  Ratification
Chapter 8 :  Termination of Agency [or Agent's Authority]
Chapter 9 :  Revocation of Authority
Unit III - Sale of Goods
Chapter 1 :  Nature and Scope of Goods and Sale
Chapter 2 :  Formation of Contract of Sale
Chapter 3 :  Subject-matter of Contract of Sale
Chapter 4 :  Conditions and Warranties
Chapter 5 :  Express and Implied Conditions and Warranties
Chapter 6 :  Pricing
Chapter 7 :  Caveat Emptor [Let the Buyer Beware]
Unit IV - Effects of the Contract of Sale of Goods and Delivery of Goods
Chapter 1 :  Property - Possession and Rules Relating to Passing of Property
Chapter 2 :  Transfer of Title
Chapter 3 :  Delivery of Goods [Performance of the Contract of Sale of Goods]
Chapter 4 :  Rights and Duties of Seller and Buyer before and After Sale
Chapter 5 :  Rights of Unpaid Seller
Chapter 6 :  Remedies for Breach
Chapter 7 :  Miscellaneous Provisions
Unit V - Contract of Partnership
Chapter 1 :  Partnership Act, 1932
Chapter 2 :  Definition and Nature of Partnership
Chapter 3 :  Formation of Partnership
Chapter 4 :  Test of Partnership
Chapter 5 :  Partnership and Other Associations
Chapter 6 :  Registration of Firm-Effects of Non-Registration
Chapter 7 :  Relations of Partners to One Another
Chapter 8 :   Rights and Duties of Partners
Chapter 9 :   Law Relating to Property of the Firm
Chapter 10 :  Relation of Partners to Third Parties
Chapter 11 :  Kinds of Partners
Chapter 12 :  Reconstitution of Firm [Incoming and Outgoing of Partners]
Chapter 13 :  Dissolution of Firm
Chapter 14 :  Problems to Solve (Relating to Partnership)
Subject Index

Author Details
Dr. S.R. Myneni

Foreword by
Dr. V. Venkata Raman, LL.M., Ph.D., Associate Professor of Law, University College of Law Osmania University, Hyderabad

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