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Handbook on Consumer Protection Law and Procedure

Handbook on Consumer Protection Law and Procedure

  • ₹650.00

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  • Author(s): Dr. Kalpeshkumar L Gupta
  • Publisher: Law and Justice Publishing Co
  • Edition: Ed 2025
  • ISBN 13 9788197746000
  • Approx. Pages 348 + Contents
  • Format Paperback
  • Approx. Product Size 24 x 16 cms
  • Delivery Time Normally 7-9 working days
  • Shipping Charge Extra (see Shopping Cart)

All of us are aware about the golden statement Consumer/Customer is the king. A business entity needs to give apt attention to his/her needs, requirements and most importantly efficient and effective grievance redressal system in case of any defects in goods or deficiency in service. We had the Consumer Protection Act, 1986 now a new act of 2019 which protect the interest of the Consumers. There are other legislations also like Competition Act, Food Safety and Standard Act, RERA Act etc. which also take care of specific issues faced by the consumers. New Consumer Protection Act also provides definition of Consumer Rights which includes i. right to be protected, ii. right to be informed, iii. the right to be assured, iv. the right to be heard, v. the right to seek redressal, vi. the right to consumer awareness. Day by day, the scopes of consumer's rights are increasing in changing scenarios and surroundings.
Looking at the significance of consumer rights, Team ProBono India also initiated "Compilation of Selected Cases on Consumer Rights" which is in its final stage of editing. Team has also prepared other useful case compilations related to PIL, Suo Moto Petitions, Human Rights, Legal Aid and other important socio - legal subject matters. These all compilations are freely accessible online, interested ones are requested to take maximum benefit of the same. There are various rules, regulations, schemes, guidelines also framed under the Consumer Protection Act for better implementation of the act. In this Handbook on Consumer Rights I have tried to cover the main act with commentaries added along with Rules, Regulations, Guidelines, Landmark Judgements and other important details being a comprehensive work on the said subject matter.
I hope this handbook will be a useful resource for law faculty, students, NGOs and others who are engaged in consumer rights related activities in different manner.
Table of Contents
Chapter 1. Preliminary
Chapter 2. Consumer Protection Councils
Chapter 3. Central Consumer Protection Authority
Chapter 4. Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission
Chapter 5. Product Liability
Chapter 6. Offences and Penalties
Chapter 7. Miscellaneous
Author Details
Dr. Kalpeshkumar L Gupta

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