- Author(s): M.V. Pylee
- Publisher: Universal LexisNexis
- Edition: 5 Ed 2017
- ISBN 13 9788131251485
- Approx. Pages 984 + Contents
- Format Hardbound
- Approx. Product Size 24 x 16 cms
- Delivery Time Normally 7-9 working days
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The Constitution of India, with its detailed and exhaustive nature, is one of the best and unique legal documents over the world. The Constitution inculcates within itself the core state duties and fundamental rights which form the very essence of human rights, and is thus one of the most important documents in the country. Besides its vast encompass, it has also undergone numerous amendments ever since its inception.
This book is a detailed compilation of the amendments that have taken place since the inception of the Constitution, and provides an exhaustive guide to various National Commission Reports, Allied Amending Acts, Supreme Court's views on the validity of various constitutional amendments and the Constitution of Jammu and Kashmir amongst other topics to assist those in legal profession be updated with the latest changes which have been undertaken by the Judiciary as well as the Parliament.
This book is a ready-referencer for lawyers, researchers, students, Judges, Parliamentarians and everybody concerned with this subject.
• Introduction
• Amendments to the Constitution of India
• Allied Amending Acts Amending Constitution of India
• The Constitution of India
• Amendments to Sixth Schedule to the Constitution of India
• Report of National Commission to Review the Working of the Constitution of India
• Amendment provisions in Framing of India's Constitution
• Amendments to the Constitution of Jammu and Kashmir
• The Constitution (Application to Jammu and Kashmir) Order
• Re-Statement, with reference to the present text of the Constitution, of the
exceptions and modifications subject to which the Constitution applies to
the State of Jammu and Kashmir
• The Constitution of Jammu and Kashmir
• Supreme Court on Validity of Constitutional Amendments
• Amendments of the Constitution of India made by the Constitution
(Amendment) Acts at a Glance
• The Constitution (Amendment) Acts
• Amendments of the Constitution of India made by other Acts
• Amendments made by other Acts which have indirect effect of amending
the Constitution of India
• Article-wise amendments of the Constitution of India
Subject Index
Author Details
M V PYLEE, Director General, Asian Institute of Development and Entrepreneurship
Former Vice Chancellor, University of Cochin
Member, Press Council of India Chairman, Guruvayurappan Instate of Management
Member, National Board of Accreditation, AICTE
Member, All India Board of Management, AICTE
Member, Board of Management, Manipal Academy of Higher Education