- Publisher: Nabhi Publication
- Edition: 1 Rev. Ed 2021
- Approx. Pages 472 + Contents
- Format Paperback
- Approx. Product Size 21 x 14 cms
- Delivery Time Normally 7-9 working days
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Along with Government of India Decisions
57 Glorious Years of Nabhi Publications
Since the publication of the first edition of the book, a number of significant amendments/ clarificatory orders have been issued relating to classification, control and appeal rules. These include orders relating to new classification of posts in the VII CPC scenario, regulation of pay under revised pay structure on imposition of penalty, dispensing with second stage advice of CVC, empanelment of retired officers as Inquiry Officers, conducting inquiry in sexual harassment cases, extension of timelines due to COVID-19 pandemic and lockdown, timely completion and expeditious disposal of disciplinary proceedings, simultaneous prosecution with disciplinary action, consultation with UPSC, etc. Incorporating the aforesaid and other changes, we are now pleased to present this first revised edition of Nabhi's Compendium of CENTRAL CIVIL SERVICES (CLASSIFICATION, CONTROL AND APPEAL) RULES alongwith Government of India Decisions, 2021.
While the CCS (Conduct) Rules envisage to maintain discipline by the Government servants, any misconduct on their part is controlled and regulated by the CCS (CCA) Rules, which provide for imposition of appropriate penalty on the erring Government servants after methodically pursued disciplinary proceedings. The objective of disciplinary proceedings is to discover and establish beyond doubt, the misconduct and the guilt, nevertheless equal opportunity is afforded to the accused to prove his innocence. Often, it necessitates the concerned employee's suspension from the service, who may be reinstated following his exoneration in the inquiry or subsequently in appeal. The subject is not free from ambiguities and has been clarified at very many times making it extremely difficult to comprehend and apply.
This book provides the up to date amended text of CCS (CCA) Rules alongwith all relevant Government of India Decisions/Orders under the respective rule, which have been further arranged subject-wise, so as to provide the complete and consolidated position on a subject at one place. Besides, references and cross-references of Govt. of India Decisions have been provided at all appropriate places to facilitate better understanding. All forms relevant under the Rules have been annexed at the end, while reference to appropriate forms have been given under the relevant rule/Govt. of India Decision. Besides, text of relevant Constitutional provisions, Public Servants Inquiries Act, Departmental Inquiries Act and Prevention of Corruption Act has been given in the Appendices making the book more comprehensive.
An Index of Notifications, Office Memoranda, Orders, etc. issued by the Ministries/other Govt. departments and referred in the book shall make the book even more practically useful.
The book shall be of immense use for all Government employees and employees of PSUs who have adopted these rules, and also for the candidates of departmental examinations.
Though every care has been taken to provide authentic information, yet the editors/publishers are not legally or morally responsible for any loss or damage that may arise to any person from any error or omission in the book. They, however, always welcome suggestions and criticism from esteemed readers for further improvement of this book, which should be sent in writing only.
Table of Contents
1.Short Title and Commencement
2. Interpretation
3. Application
4. Classification of Services
5. Constitution of Central Civil Services
6. Classification of Posts
7. General Central Service
8. Appointments to Group 'A' Services and Posts
9. Appointments to Other Services and Posts
10. Suspension
Author Details