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Comparative Politics (Politics - II)

Comparative Politics (Politics - II)

  • ₹150.00

In Stock
  • Author(s): Anil K. Nair
  • Publisher: Aparna Publications
  • Edition: Latest Edn.
  • Approx. Pages 137 + Contents
  • Format Paperback
  • Approx. Product Size 27 x 21 cms
  • Delivery Time Normally 7-9 working days
  • Shipping Charge Extra (see Shopping Cart)

1.     Introduction
2.     Constitution and Constitutionalism
3.     Unitary States, Federal States and Confederation
4.     Salient features of the Constitution of U.K.
5.     Salient features of the Constitution of U.S.A.
6.     The Executive - Legislative Relations in U.S.A
7.     Parliamentary System in U.K and Presidential System in U.S.A
8.     Salient features of Constitution of Switzerland
9.     Salient features of French Constitution
10.   Salient features of Constitution of People's Republic of China
11.    Salient features of Indian Constitution
12.   Administrative Law
13.   Rule of Law
14.   Judicial Review
15.   Party System
16.   Coalition Politics and Coalition Government
17.   Voting Behaviour
18.   Militrism
19.   Terrorism
20.   Fundamentalism
21.   Ethinicity
22.   Recall Election
23.   Gerrymandering
Author Details
Anil K. Nair
, Advocate, High Court of Kerala.

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