- Author(s): Dr. Sanjeev Gupta
- Publisher: Bharat Law House
- Edition: 2 Ed 2021
- ISBN 13 9789390854295
- Approx. Pages 2435 + Contents
- Format Hardbound
- Approx. Product Size 24 x 18 cms
- Delivery Time Normally 7-9 working days
- Shipping Charge Extra (see Shopping Cart)
The business can be done by forming a firm, (proprietorship or partnership) or a company. The company form of business, at present, is governed by the Companies Act, 2013, and rules framed thereunder from time to time. In view of the major and frequent changes i n the Companies Act, 2013 and rules made thereunder as compared to the Companies Act, 1956 and rules made thereunder, the author decided to write a procedural book for different events in such a way to cover all relevant sections and rules for a specific and rules for a specific matter alongwith specimen draft resolutions, notices, minutes, letters, applications, notices of Board Meeting and Members Meeting with explanatory statement, application/petition to Regional Director, Registrar of Companies or Central Government, Public Notices to be published in newspaper, correspondence with shareholder, creditor, auditor, etc. for easy use and reference.
Volume 1
1 : Digital Signature Certificate
2 : Director Identification Number (DIN)
3 : Incorporation
4 : Directors
5 : Appointment and Remuneration of Managing Director and Whole Time Director
6 : Appointment of Company Secretary, Chief Financial Officer and Chief Executive Officer
7 : Disclosure of Interest by Directors
8 : Alteration of Memorandum of Association
9 : Alteration of Articles of Association
10 : Conversion of Companies
11 : Conversion of Status of Active Company into Dormant Company and Vice Versa
12 : Increase of Paid up Share Capital without Public Offer
13 : Increase of Paid up Share Capital with Public Offer
14 : Declaration of Beneficial Interest
15 : Issuance of Duplicate Share Certificate
Volume 2
16 : Debentures
17 : The Transfer and Transmission of Securities
18 : Buy Back of Securities
19 : Appointment of Auditors
20 : Borrowings
21 : Registration of Charges
22 : Loan from Directors or Relatives of Directors
23 : To Sell, Lease or Otherwise Dispose of the Whole or Substantially the Whole of the Undertaking
by a Public Limited Company
24 : Related Party Transactions
25 : Acceptance of Deposits
26 : Declaration and Payment of Dividend
27 : Loan to Managing Director or Whole Time Director of a Public Company
28 : Corporate Social Responsibility [Section 135]
29 : Inter Corporate Loan, Investment and Guarantee
30 : Board Meeting and Passing of the Resolutions by Physical Presence or by Circulation or by Postal
Ballot, etc.
31 : Conducting of Annual General Meeting/General Meeting and Procedure for Passing of Member's
Resolution in Annual General Meeting/General Meeting and Annual Filing Documents
32 : Different Committees and their Workings under the Companies Act, 2013
33 : Maintenance of Books of Accounts and Keeping them either at the Registered Office or such
other place
34 : Maintenance of Registers/Documents/Returns to be Maintained by Every Company
35 : Condonation of Delay in filing of Various Forms other than in Case of Charges
36 : Contribution to Charitable Funds
37 : Contribution to Political Parties
38 : Company Capable of Being Registered under the Companies Act, 2013
39 : Striking off of Name of a Company
40 : Fraud and Offences Punishable under the Companies Act, 2013
41 : Marketing of e-Forms as Defective
42 : Compounding of Offences
43 : Adjudication of Penalties
44 : Micro and Small Enterprises Suppliers
Appendix 1
Appendix 2
Appendix 3
Appendix 4
Appendix 5
Appendix 6
Appendix 7
Appendix 8
Appendix 9
Appendix 10
Author Details
Dr. Sanjeev Gupta holds M.Com and LL.B. degrees from Delhi University and has been awarded Ph.D degree from MD University, Rohtak. He is a Fellow Member (FCS) of the Institute of Company Secretaries of India since 2001 and Associate Member since 1994. He has been practicing as Company Secretary since 1998. His several articles have been published in reputed national and international level journals, like Chartered Accountants, Mangement Accountants, and Journal of financial Crime, and has authored a book titled 'Corporate Frauds & their Regulations in India', published by Bharat Law House Private Limited. He is also a visiting faculty at Indian Institute of Corporate Affairs, Ministry of Corporate Affairs, Manesar and at Specialised Training Centre of Delhi Police, Rajinder Nagar. He has delivered various lectures on the companies Act, 2013 and Corporate Grauds as guest speaker in different institutes and universities. He is member and treasurer of Governing Body of Shivaji College, Universities of Delhi, Delhi.