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Company Law

Company Law

  • ₹595.00

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1.    History Background of an company
2.    Registered Company and Other Associations
3.    Incorporation of a Company
4.    Memorandum of Association
5.    Articles of Association
6.    Prospectus
8.    Membership of a Company
9.    Share Capital
10.  Debentures
11.  Borrowing Powers, Investments and Public Deposits
12.  Directors
13.  Secretaries and Managers
14.  Meetings and Proceedings
15.  Dividend
16.  Accounts
17.  Auditors
18.  Investigation and Inspection
19.  Prevention of Oppression and Mismanagement
20.  Majority Rule and Minority Rights
21.  Registration of the Company
22.  Special Kinds of Companies
23.  Winding-up and Dissolution of Companies
24.  Company Law Courts and Administration
25.  Miscellaneous Provisions
26.  Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI)
27.  Modern Trend of Company Law
Annexure I - Commencent of certain Sections of the Companies Act, 2013
Annexure II - Commencent of certain Sections under the  Notification No. S.O. 902(E)

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