- Author(s): Corporate Professionals
- Publisher: Commercial Law Publishers (India) Pvt Ltd
- Edition: 17 Ed March 2024
- ISBN 13 9789356035874
- Approx. Pages 2736 + Contents
- Format Paperback
- Approx. Product Size 24 x 16 cms
- Delivery Time Normally 7-9 working days
- Shipping Charge Extra (see Shopping Cart)
Covers Notifications and Amendments up to 18-02-2024
Key Features:
♦ Book is divided into Six (6) divisions. Reader may directly go to any division with the help of rain-fall spot on fore-edge of the Book.
♦ Companies Act, 2013 with
* Enforcement date of each provision as well as each subsequent amendment;
* Rules, important circulars and penal provisions cross referenced with relevant section for easy reading.
* Amendments as per the Mediation Act, 2023, the Companies (Amendment) Act, 2020, Companies (Amendment) Act, 2019, Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code (Second Amendment) Act, 2018; Companies (Amendment) Act, 2017; Finance Act, 2017; Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016 and Companies (Amendment) Act, 2015; Removal of Difficulty orders
* Reference in each section to Exemption Notifications for each class of companies issued u/s 462 of Companies Act and s. 31 of IFSCA Act, 2019 till date.
* Delegation of powers by the Central Government u/s 458 till date.
♦ New Listing of Equity Shares in Permissible Jurisdictions Rules, 2024 included
♦ Enforcement Status of Companies Act, 2013 and the subsequent amendments made, along with the date from which effective.
♦ Sections of Companies Act, 1956 vis-a-vis sections of Companies Act, 2013 & vice-versa.
♦ Concise referencer on various resolutions, disclosures in Board's report, privileges and exemptions for various kinds of companies, list of offences etc.
♦ Text of SS-1, SS-2, SS-3 and SS-4 issued by the Institute of Company Secretaries of India.
♦ Text of all Circulars & Orders issued under the Companies Act, 2013.
Division I : Enforcement status of the Companies Act, 2013
Enforcement status of sections of the Companies Act, 2013 and subsequent amendments
Sections of the Companies Act, 2013 Not Yet Enforced
Sections Subsequently Inserted in the Companies Act, 2013
Sections Subsequently Omitted in the Companies Act, 2013
Sections of the Companies (Amendment) Act, 2017 not Yet Enforced
Division II - Companies Act, 2013
Provisions of the Companies Act, 1956 and Corresponding Provisions of the
Companies Act, 2013
Provisions of the Companies Act, 2013 and Corresponding Provisions of the
Companies Act, 1956
Arrangement of Sections
The Companies Act, 2013
Division III - Rules Notified as per Companies Act, 2013
Arrangement of Rules
Division IV - Concise Referencer
Matters requiring approval of members by ordinary resolution
Matters requiring approval of members by special resolution
Matters requiring special notice
Rights which can be exercised by members having 10% or more voting power
Matters to be passed by postal ballot
Matters requiring unanimous resolutions by board of directors
Matters required to be agreed to by all the members
Matters requiring resolutions to be passed by board of directors in board meeting only
Director's report disclosures - private company
Director's report disclosures-unlisted public company
Director's report disclosures - listed company
Privileges and exemptions for private company
Privileges and exemptions for specified ifsc private company
Privileges and exemptions for specified ifsc public company
Privileges and exemptions for government companies
Privileges and exemptions for nidhi company
Privileges and exemptions for section- 8 company (non- profit)
Privileges and exemptions for one person company (ope)
Privileges and exemptions for start-up companies
Privileges and exemptions for small company
Privileges and exemptions for dormant company
Offences liable for Punishment for Fraud under section 447
Offences liable to Penalty (Adjudiction under section 454)
Offences liable to Punishment with fine only (Compoundable)
Offences liable to Punishment with Imprisonment or with fine or with both (Compoundable)
Offences liable to Punishment with Imprisonment or with fine or with both (Non-Compoundable)
Division V - Circulars/ Orders/ Notifications
Table of Circulars
Table of Orders
Table of Notifications
Division VI - Secretarial Standards
Secretarial Standard on Meetings of the Board of Directors
Secretarial Standard on General Meetings
Secretarial Standard on Dividend
Secretarial Standard on Report of the Board of Directors
Subject Index
Chapter 1. Preliminary
Chapter 2. The Companies Rules, 2014
Chapter 3. Prospectus and Allotment of Securities
Chapter 4. Share Capital and Debenture
Chapter 5. Acceptance of Deposit By Companies
Chapter 6. Registration of Charges
Chapter 7. Management and Administration
Chapter 8. Declaration and Payment of Dividend
Chapter 9. Accounts of Companies
Chapter 10. Audit and Auditors
Chapter 11. Appointment and Qualification of Directors
Chapter 12. Meeting of Board and its Powers
Chapter 13. Appointment and Remuneration of Managerial Personal
Chapter 14. Inspection, Inquiry and Investigation
Chapter 15. Compromises, Arrangement and Amalgamation
Chapter 16. Registered Valuers
Chapter 17. Removal of Names of Companies from the Register of Companies
Chapter 18. Companies Authorized to Register Under this Act
Chapter 19. Companies Incorporated outside India
Chapter 20. Registration Offices and Fees
Chapter 21. Compromise to Furnish Information or Statistics
Chapter 22. Nidhis
Chapter 23. National Company Law Tribunal and Appellate Tribunal
Chapter 24. Special Courts
Chapter 25. Miscellaneous