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Cigarettes and Other Tobacco Products (Prohibition of Advertisement & Regulation of Trade & Commerce, Production, Supply & Distribution) Act, 2003

Cigarettes and Other Tobacco Products (Prohibition of Advertisement & Regulation of Trade & Commerce, Production, Supply & Distribution) Act, 2003

  • ₹70.00

In Stock
  • Author(s): Bare Act
  • Edition: Current Year
  • Approx. Pages 37 + Contents
  • Format Paperback

As Amended by Act 38 of 2007
•    The Cigarettes & Other Tobacco Products (Prohibition of Advertisement & 
     Regulation of Trade & Commerce, Production, Supply & Distribution) Rules, 2004
     [As Amended Vide GSR 708(E)]
•    The Prohibition of Smoking in Public Places Rules, 2008
     [As Amended vide GSR 680(E)]
•    The Cigarettes & Other Tobacco Products (Packaging & Labelling) Rules, 2008
     [As Amended vide GSR 727(E)]
•    The Cigarettes & Other Tobacco Products (Display of Board of Educational
      Institutions) Rules, 2009
The Cigarettes &  Other Tobacco Products (Prohibition of Advertisement & 
Regulation of Trade & Commerce, Production, Supply and Distribution) Act, 2003

1.    Short title, extent and commencement
2.    Declaration as to expediency of control by the Union
3.    Definitions
4.    Prohibition of smoking in a public place
5.    Prohibition of advertisement of cigarettes & Other tobacco products
6     Prohibition on sale of cigarettes or other tobacco products to a person below
       the age of eighteen years in particular area.
7.    Restriction on trade & commerce in, and production, supply & distribution
       of, cigarettes and other tobacco products
8.    Manner in which specified warning shall be made
9.    Language in which the specified warning shall be expressed
10.  Size of letter and figures
11.  Testing laboratory for nicotine and tar contents
12.  Power of entry and search
13.  Power to seize
14.  Confiscation of package
15.  Power to give option to pay costs in lieu of confiscation
16.  Confiscation not to interfere with other punishments
17.  Adjudication
18.  Giving opportunity to the owner of seized packages
19.  Appeal
20.  Punishment for failure to give specified warning and nicotine and tar contents
21.  Punishment for smoking in certain places
22.  Punishment for advertisement of cigarettes and tobacco products
23.  Forfeiture of advertisement and advertisement material
24.  Punishment for sale of cigarettes or any other tobacco products in certain
       places or to persons below the age of eighteen years
25.  Prevention, detention and place of trial of offences under sections 4 and 6
26.  Offences by companies
27.  Offences to be bailable
28.  Composition of offences
29.  Protection of action taken in good faith
30.  Power to add any tobacco products in the Schedule
31.  Power to the Central Government to make rules
32.  Act not to apply to cigarettes or other tobacco products which are exported
33.  Repeal and savings
       The Schedule
The  Cigarettes & other Tobacco Products  (Prohibition of Advertisement and Regulation of Trade & Commerce, Production, Supply & Distribution) Rules, 2004
Rule 1 - 10
Annexure I - II
The Prohibition of Smoking in Public Places Rules, 2008
Rule 1-5
Schedule I - III
Prohibition of Smoking in Public Places Rules, 2008 - Some Outlines
The Cigarettes & Other Tobacco Products (Packaging & Labelling) Rules, 2008
Rule 1 -5
The Prohibition on Sale of Cigarettes and Other Tobacco Products Around
Educational Institutions Rules, 2004
1. Short Title, Extent and Commencement
2. Definitions
3. Prohibition on Sale of Cigarettes and Other Tobacco Products Around Educational Institutions
The Cigarettes & Other Tobacco Products (Display of Board by Educational Institutions) Rules, 2009
Rule 1- 3

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