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Cable Television Networks (Regulation) Act, 1995

Cable Television Networks (Regulation) Act, 1995

  • ₹90.00

In Stock
  • Author(s): Bare Act
  • Edition: Current Year
  • Approx. Pages 78 + Contents
  • Format Paperback
•    The Cable Television Networks Rules, 1994
     As Amended by The Cable Television Networks Rules, 2015
•    The Radio, Television and Video Cassette Recorder Sets (Exemption from Licensing
     Requirements) Rules, 1997
•    The Standards of Quality of Service (Broadcasting and Cable Services) (Cable
     Television- CAS Areas) Regulation, 2006
•    The Standards of Quality of Service (Broadcasting and Cable Services) (Cable
     Television- Non-CAS Areas) Regulation, 2009
•    The Standards of Quality of Service (Digital Addressable Cable TV Systems) Regulations, 2012
As Amended by Standards of Quality of Service (Digital Addressable Cable TV Systems) (Amendment) Regulations, 2015
•    Consumers Complaint Redressal (Digital Addressable Cable TV Systems) Regulations, 2012  
•    Standards of Quality of Service (Duration of Advertisements in Television Channels) Regulations, 2012
•    Names of Doordarshan Channels to be Re-transmitted by the Cable Operators in their
     Cable Services
The Cable Television Networks (Regulation) Act, 1995

Chapter I – Preliminary
1.   Short title, extent and commencement
2.   Definitions
Chapter II- Regulation of Cable Television Network
3.   Cable television network not to be operated except after registration
4.   Registration as cable operator
4A. Transmission of programmes through addressable system, etc.
4B. Right of Way for cable Operators and permission by public authority
5.   Programme code
6.   Advertisement code
7.   Maintenance of register
8.   Compulsory transmission of Doordarshan channels
9.   Use of Standard equipment in cable television network
10. Cable television network not to interfere with any telecommunication system.
10A.Inspection of cable network and services
Chapter III – Seizure and Confiscation of Certain Equipment
11.  Power to seize equipment used for operating the cable television network
12.  Confiscation
13.  Seizure or confiscation of equipment not to interfere with other punishment
14.  Giving of opportunity to the cable operator of seized equipment
15.  Appeal
Chapter IV – Offences and Penalties
16.  Punishment for contravention of provisions of this Act
17.  Offences by companies
18.  Cognizance of offences
Chapter V – Miscellaneous
19.  Power to prohibit transmission of certain programmes in public interest
20.  Power to prohibit operation of cable television network in public interest
21.  Application of other laws not barred
22.  Power to make rules
23.  Repeal and savings
The Cable Television Networks Rules, 1994
Rules 1 -15
The Radio Television and Video Cassette Recorder Sets (Exemption from Licensing Requirements) Rules, 1997
Rules 1 - 4
The Standards of Quality of Service (Broadcasting and Cable Services) (cable Television - Cas Areas) Regulation, 2006
Regulation 1 - 10
The Standards of Quality of Service (Broadcasting cable Services) (Cable Television - Non-Cas Areas) Regulations, 2009
Regulation 1 - 24
The Standards of Quality of Service (Digital Addressable Cable TV Systems) Regulations, 2012
Regulation 1 - 25
The Consumer Complaint Redressal (Digital Addressable Cable TV Systems) Regulations, 2012
Regulation 1 - 16
The Standards of Quality of Service (Duration of Advertisements in Television Channels) Regulations, 2012
Regulation 1 - 5
Names of Doordarshan Channels to be Re-transmitted By the Cable Operators in their Cable Services

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