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Banking and Negotiable Instruments

Banking and Negotiable Instruments

  • ₹675.00

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  • Author(s): Dr. Avtar Singh
  • Publisher: Eastern Book Company
  • Edition: 4 Ed Rp 2022
  • ISBN 13 9789394364264
  • Approx. Pages 582 + Contents
  • Format Paperback
  • Approx. Product Size 24 x 16 cms
  • Delivery Time Normally 7-9 working days
  • Shipping Charge Extra (see Shopping Cart)


Banking and Negotiable Instruments by Dr. Avtar Singh is a comprehensive book on banking and negotiable instruments. The book is divided into three parts. The first part deals with the law of banking; the second part deals with DRT and SARFAEST, and the third part deals with Negotiable Instruments. The following the notable features of this edition:
1.    Includes a new part on DRT and SARFAESI.
2.    Includes a separate chapter on Dishonour of cheques.
3.    Discusses the Negotiable Instruments (Amendment) Act, 2018.
4.    Covers the latest rulings of the Supreme court and High Courts.
The book discuss various aspects of recovery of debt through DRT, viz. making application to the tribunal, appeal to the appellate tribunal, pre-deposit provisions, etc. In the SARFAESI Act, provisions of enforcement of security interest, taking possession of the secured asset etc. have been extensively dealt with. Further, the new chapter on Dishonour of Cheques analyses in depth the jurisdiction issue for an offence of criminal liability for dishonour of cheques.
Part I : Law of Banking

1.       Evolution and Types of Banks
2.      Banks and Banking Business: Banking Regulation Act
3.      Customers and Accounts
4.      Responsibility under the Consumer Protection Act
5.      Recovery under DRT and SARFAESI  proceedings
Part III : Negotiable Instruments
6.      Negotiation Instruments
7.      Negotiation and Liability
8.      Presentment
9.      Dishonour of Cheques
10.    Discharge from Liability
11.     Crossed Cheques
12.    Miscellaneous Provisions
Appendix : Negotiable Instruments (Amendment) Act, 2015
Subject Index
Author Details
Dr. Avtar Singh
, advocate, B.Com., LL.M., L.L.D., (Luck), Vidya Bhushan (Hindi Sansthan, U.P., Ex-Visiting Professor of Business Laws, I.I.M., Lucknow, Ex-Reader in Law, Lucknow University

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