- Author(s): CA Abhishek Bansal
- Publisher: Commercial Law Publishers (India) Pvt Ltd
- Edition: 5 Ed 2024
- ISBN 13 9789356037267
- Approx. Pages 222 + contents
- Format Paperback
- Approx. Product Size 27 x 21 cms
- Delivery Time Normally 7-9 working days
- Shipping Charge Extra (see Shopping Cart)
. As per syllabus approved by ICAI
. Upto date amendments including Companies Act, 2013
. MCQs are divided in 3 Sections viz A, B & C
Section A - Covers Chapter wise MCQs - 1 Mark each
Section B-Covers Mix Case Based MCQs - 1 Mark each
Section C-Covers Long Case Based MCQs-2 Marks each
Table of Contents
1. Chapter wise MCQ
2. Mix MCQ
3. Case Based MCQ
Author Details
CA Abhishek Bansal is a Young Dynamic and Energetic faculty with
teaching experience of more than 11 years at various places like Mumbai,
Nagpur, Jodhpur and Nasik. His strength lies in Flow Chart Pattern
(better known as Drawing Skills in class) of teaching and easy way of
communication. By Profession he is a Company Secretary and a Chartered
Accountant. He is also the visiting faculty of WIRC-ICAI.
of his track record in the past and his experience with the students, he
showcases this subject so strongly in the class that students
understand, learn and memorize the subject in the class itself. Being a
vivacious reader and having a beautiful mind is what differentiates him
for the rest.