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Arbitration : Step by Step

Arbitration : Step by Step

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The first edition of the book was published in the year 2012. With the blessings of the Almighty and the esteemed readers, the book received huge popularity. The resultant effect was that the publisher desired us to bring out a new edition. It was the considered decision of all concerned that instead of bringing out a reprint of the first edition, a new edition be published after incorporating the developments that have taken place in the intervening period. The second edition could have been brought out earlier as well, but there
was a lot of talk about amending the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996. The 246th report of the Law Commission was released on 5th August 2014 and it was under the active consideration of the Government. The Central Government proposed to issue an Ordinance in December 2014, but ultimately no such Ordinance was issued. Thereafter, the Law Commission issued a supplementary to the 246th report on 6th February 2015 incorporating suggestions received from various quarters. The Central Government issued an Ordinance on 23rd October 2015 thereby amending the 1996 Act. The said Ordinance received the assent of the President of India on 31st December 2015 and thus, the Arbitration and Conciliation (Amending) Act, 2015 was promulgated. As already mentioned in the first edition of the book, the idea for publishing a book, which was practical in nature, emanated from our experience in the field of arbitration, both as counsels as well as arbitrators. In view of the experience gained over a number of years, we made an endeavour to put forth our views in a frank and candid manner. We are extremely proud of the fact that the book received lavish comments from a number of esteemed persons, both from the legal field as well as technocrats. It was also humbling to note that the book was prescribed as course material in various universities and law colleges. This is another reason which galvanised us into bringing out this new edition of the book.
Chapter 1: Features of Arbitration and Concillation Act, 1996
Chapter 2: Arbitration Agreement
Chapter 3: Notice Invoking Arbitration Clause
Chapter 4: Appointmen of Arbitrator
Chapter 5: Conducting and Controlling Arbitration Proceedings
Chapter 6: Challenge to Jurisdiction of Arbitrator
Chapter 7: Challenge to Qualifications and Impartiality of Arbitrator
Chapter 8: Right and Duties of Arbitral Tribunal
Chapter 9: Form, Contents and Finality of Arbitral Awards
Chapter 10: Termination of Mandate of Arbitral Tribunal
Chapter 11: Recourse Against Arbitral Award
Chapter 12: Jurisdiction of Court in Arbitration Matters
Chapter 13: Claims in Arbitration Matters
Chapter 14: Pitfalls in Smooth Conduct of Arbitral Proceedings
Chapter 15: Interpretation of Engineering Clauses
Chapter 16: Enforcement of Arbitral Award Domestic and International 
Appendix : The Arbitration And Conciliation Act, 1996
Subject Index
Author Details
Dr. P C Markanda, FIE, LL D, Senior Advocate Member, Governing Body, Indian Council of Arbitration, Former Senior Vice President (North), Indian Institute of Technical Arbitrators
Naresh Markanda, BE (Hons), LL B, Senior Advocate
Rajesh Markanda, BA (Hons), LL B, Advocate

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