- Author(s): Rakesh Kumar
- Publisher: Sage Publications India Pvt Ltd
- Edition: 1 Ed Rp 2022
- ISBN 13 9789351508700
- Approx. Pages 440 + Contents
- Format Paperback
- Approx. Product Size 24 x 18 cms
- Delivery Time Normally 7-9 working days
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The present book has been written keeping in mind the needs of students of history who are studying the paper on social formations and cultural patterns of ancient and medieval world at various universities across India. This work is a result of my long-standing inters est in the subject. My teacher, Professor Amar Farooqui, kindled this interest during my graduation days in Hansraj College, University of Delhi. Teaching this paper at the graduate level for more than a decade further motivated me to write a textbook on this subject. Amar Farooqui's work, Early Social Formations (2001), already exists on this paper and has been well received by students. But since the publication of this book, several new researches and monographs have appeared. Many of these have provided new dimensions on various themes of this paper. Through this book, an attempt has been made to introduce these recent researches to students in as simplified a manner as possible. It deliberately avoids the methodology of a well-researched monograph. Instead, the present work incorporates a wide range of secondary sources for the benefit of students with the objective of exposing them to several dimensions in which different themes have been analysed. Further, the book covers a vast span of time: from the evolution of humans until the end of Middle Ages in Europe, covering several aspects of human progress. An attempt has been made for the book to be student friendly by providing maps, tables and boxes wherever essential. Summary, keywords and representative questions have been provided at the end of each chapter, which would help students connect with the topic better. A detailed list of chapter-end references is provided with a hope that students would be motivated to read more to gain a better understanding of the themes associated with this paper. This book has taken a long time to materialise, which has been mainly due to my commitment towards my institution, my students and my university for which I offer sincere apologies to the publisher. But at the same time, I would like to appreciate the continuous pressure applied on me by the team at SAGE Publications through various deadlines that kept me focused on the project. Their understanding is also worth appreciating. My colleagues and friends have helped me through their continuous motivation. Special gratitude has to be reserved for my wife, Sarbani, and my children, Sangini and Snehil, who have borne the brunt of my lack of attention due to my focus on the project. Their unstinted support has helped me concentrate fully on the project.
1. Evolution of Humans: Palaeolithic and Mesolithic Cultures
2. Beginnings of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry
3. Bronze Age Civilisations I: Mesopotamia and Egypt
4. Bronze Age Civilisations II: Shang and Minoan Its Implications
5. Nomadic Groups in Central and West Asia: Advent of Iron and
6. Ancient Greece
7. Ancient Rome I: Rome Under Republic, Principate and Empire
8. Ancient Rome II: Religion and Culture in Ancient Rome and the Crisis and Decline of the Roman Empire
Centuries CE
9. Feudal Polity, Society and Economy in Europe: Eighth-Fourteenth
10. Religion and Culture in Medieval Europe
11. Islamic Societies in West Asia
Author Details
Rakesh Kumar, Associate Professor, Department of History, Ram Lal Anand Collage, University of Delhi, New Delhi