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Alternative Investment Funds Managers

Alternative Investment Funds Managers

  • ₹995.00

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  • Author(s): NISM
  • Publisher: Taxmann
  • Edition: Ed Dec. 2023
  • ISBN 13 9789357787598
  • Approx. Pages 650 + Contents
  • Format Paperback
  • Approx. Product Size 24 x 18 cms
  • Delivery Time Normally 7-9 working days
  • Shipping Charge Extra (see Shopping Cart)

This workbook has been developed to assist candidates in preparing for the National Institute of Securities Markets (NISM) Alternative Investment Fund Managers Certification Examination. NISM-Series-XIX-C: AIF Managers Certification Examination seeks to create a common minimum knowledge benchmark for AIF Managers and its key investment team to enhance the quality of fund management activities in the AIF space.
The book covers basic understanding of the investment landscape, alternative asset classes, alternative investment funds in India, role and functions of various stakeholders in AIF and basics of portfolio theory. The book also discusses, in depth, about the due diligence, governance, monitoring and reporting processes followed by an AIF. It also provides an understanding of the role of Investment Managers and their team in performing various activities regarding fund management. The book further emphasizes on valuation techniques, investment strategies, performance evaluation along with benchmarking policies adopted by AIFs. The taxation aspects and related regulations to be adhered to by the AIFS in India have also been discussed in the workbook.
Table of Contents
Chapter 1. Investments Landscape
Chapter 2. Types of Investments
Chapter 3. Concept of Informational Efficiency
Chapter 4. Introduction to Modern Portfolio theory
Chapter 5. Introduction to Capital Market theory
Chapter 6. Alternative Investment funds in India and its Suitability
Chapter 7. Alternative Investment fund Ecosystem
Chapter 8. Alternative Investment fund Structuring
Chapter 9. Fee Structure and fund Performance
Chapter 10. Indices and Benchmarking
Chapter 11. Investment Strategies, Investment Process and Governance of funds
Chapter 12. Fund due Diligence - Investor Perspective
Chapter 13. Legal Documentation and Negotiations
Chapter 14. Valuation
Chapter 15. Fund Monitoring, Reporting and Exit
Chapter 16. Taxation
Chapter 17. Regulatory Framework
Author Details

National Institute of Securities Markets (NISM) is an educational institution established by the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI), the securities market regulator, in 2006. The Institute was established in pursuant to the Union Finance Minister's proposal, in his 2005-06 Budget Speech, to set up an institution for teaching and training intermediaries in the securities markets and promoting research. NISM is committed to its vision 'to lead, catalyze and deliver educational initiatives to enhance the quality of securities markets'. The Institute conducts a wide range of capacity building programmes in securities markets - from basic financial literacy to full-time post-graduation programmes. The Institute's six Schools of Excellence, viz., School Certification of Intermediaries, School for Securities education, School for Invest Education and Financial Literacy, School for Regulatory Studies and Supervision, School Corporate Governance and School for Securities Information and Research uphoc NISM's vision and works in synergy towards professionalizing the markets. NISM is mandated by SEBI (Certification of Associated Persons in the Securities Markets) Regulations, 2007 to conduct certification examinations and continuing profession education programs for associated persons engaged by an intermediary. NISM a conducts certification examinations for other regulators like IBBI and PFRDA. NIS certifications establish a single market-wide knowledge benchmark for different function the Indian securities market and enable the associated persons to advance their knowledge and skills.

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