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Textbook on Administrative Law

Textbook on Administrative Law

  • ₹395.00

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  • Author(s): Yashomati Ghosh
  • Publisher: LexisNexis
  • Edition: 1 Ed 2016
  • ISBN 13 9789351437055
  • Approx. Pages 482 + contents
  • Format Paperback
  • Delivery Time Normally 7-9 working days

Textbook on Administrative Law is specially designed for students pursuing the three-year or five-year LL.B course in law education institutes and one-year LL.M course from various universities or institutes. With its comprehensive and exhaustive coverage of this area of law, it will also serve as a useful reference for practising lawyers, social activists, researchers and students working in various fields, such as, human rights, rural welfare, and good governance. The book discusses the importance of administrative law in the day to day life of every ordinary citizen. It aims to provide the readers an opportunity to understand the growth of administrative law and develop a conceptual understanding of the various principles of administrative law, including the importance of natural justice and the duty to act fairly. Thorough in-depth case analysis the linkage between administrative accountability and the principles of judicial review have been examined through the various chapters.
Key Features
•    Discusses some of the recent legislative and other initiatives undertaken for the purpose of
      promotinggood governance and citizen-centric administration
•    Provides an insight into the core principles of administrative law, essential for the proper
      functioning of the administration
•    Details the ever-increasing functions and powers of the administrative role of the state that have
      resulted in the growth of administrative law, including regulatory authorities and tribunals
1.    introduction to Adminstrative Law
2.    Constitution Foundations of Adminstrative Law
3.    Classification of Adminstrative Law
4.    Delegated legislation and Legal Issues
5.    Quasi-judicial Functions and principles of natural Justice
6.    Adminstrative Discretion and principles of Judicial Review
7.    Tribunalization in India
8.    Independed Regulatory Authorities - Emerging Challengers
9.    Civil Servants: Doctrine of pleasure and Constitutional Safeguards
10.  Judicial Remedies
11.  Major Intiatives in promoting good Governance
Author Details
Yashomati Ghosh
is Senior Assistant Professor at the National Law School of India University, Bangalore. She has more than 10 years of teaching experience and her areas of specialization are administrative law, legal practice and professional ethics, digital copyright, law and governance, and consumer protection law. She has been a research fellow at the prestigious Berkman Center for Internet and Society, Harvard University. She has participated in several international and national conferences, seminars, and has published several scholarly works.

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