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Administrative Law

Administrative Law

  • ₹1,795.00

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  • Author(s): P.P. Craig
  • Publisher: Thomson Sweet & Maxwell
  • Edition: 9 South Asian Ed 2021
  • ISBN 13 9789395696678
  • Approx. Pages 976 + Contents
  • Format Paperback
  • Approx. Product Size 24 x 18 cms
  • Additional Details South Asian Edition
  • Delivery Time Normally 7-9 working days
  • Shipping Charge Extra (see Shopping Cart)

There have been considerable developments in administrative law over the last four years. There has been legislation on a range of matters pertaining to administrative law. The important statutes include the Justice and Security Act 2013. Local Audit and Accountability Act 2014, Wales Act 2014, House of Lords Reform Act 2014, Deregulation Act 2015, Criminal Justice and Courts Act 2015, Scotland Act 2016, and the Cities and Local Authorities Devolution Act 2016, The courts have continued to be active and there have been significant new judicial decisions. Case law is discussed and analysed in detail, important examples being Kennedy, Bank Mellat, Pham, Jones, and Carlile, The Human Rights Act 1998 has, not surprisingly, generated a large amount of case law, as the courts have grappled with many of the key issues under this new statute, There has been much interesting secondary literature. I have sought to incorporate all these changes, and to give a balanced account of the subject, which will be of equal use to those who are interested in the administrative system and those whose primary interest lies in judicial review. All chapters of the book have been revised to take account of the new developments, and several chapters have been substantially re-written. The format of the chapters includes a section on central issues at the beginning of each chapter, which provides a structured overview of the principal points raised in each chapter. There are in addition summaries in the course of some chapters, which are designed to aid students in their understanding of complex issues.

Table of Contents
1. The Nature & Purpose of Administrative law
2. The Administrative System: A Historical Perspective
3. Parliament and the Executive
4. Agencies and Non-Departmental Public Bodies
5. Contract, Service Provision and Governance
6. Local Government, Local Governance and Democracy
7. Devolution, Wales and Scotland
8. Information, Standards and Complaints
9. Tribunals and Inquiries
10. The European Union
11. A Case study: Competition and Regulation
12. Natural Justice : Hearings
13. Natural Justice : Hearings, Public Interest Immunity and Closed Material Procedure
14. Natural Justice: Bias & Independence
16. Error of Law Review of Fact and Evidence
17. Error of Fact
18.  Failure to Exercise Discretion
19. Abuse of Discretion The  and Judicial Review
20. Human Rights Act
21. Rationality and proportionality 
22. Legitimate expectations
23. Equality 
24.  Invalidity
25. Remedies: Standing
26. Judicial Remedies
27. Remedies & Reform
28. Remedies: Exclusion of Review
29. Public Interest Immunity & Crown Liability
30. Tort & Restitution

Author Details
P.P. Craig M.A. (Oxon), BCL, FBA, Q.C. (Hon), Professor of English Law, St John's College, University of Oxford

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