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Handbook of Abolition of Triple Talaq

Handbook of Abolition of Triple Talaq

  • ₹786.00

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  • Author(s): P.K. Das
  • Publisher: Maxwell Law Plublishing Company
  • Edition: 1 Ed 2019
  • Approx. Pages 359 + Contents
  • Format Paperback
  • Approx. Product Size 24 x 16 cms
  • Delivery Time Normally 7-9 working days
  • Shipping Charge Extra (see Shopping Cart)

Under The Muslim Women (Protection of Right on Marriage) Act, 2019 (20 of 2019)
»    Reform of Personal Laws
»    Uniform Civil Code
»    Impact of International Convention
»    Supreme court and High Courts on Triple Talaq
»    Triple Talaq vs. Holy Quran
»    Mulla's Mohammedan Law
»    Hanafis School of Law and much more
The Muslim Personal Law (Shariat) Application Act, 1937 which was enacted in, the then orthodox societal status in India under British rule provides for the pronouncement of triple talaq to Muslim wives by their Muslim husbands. Taking these advantages the Muslim husbands were in front sheet keeping their wives behind the curtain. Such practice could not be removed by provincial governments and the government of India rather the practice was in increasing trend. Even if after independence the government of India enacted and amended the laws in lieu of divorce for other religious groups. But due to cause of Muslim's minority pose and untrained and uneducated politicians in Parliament of India the pronouncement of instant triple talaq was not declared void and illegal. In the year 1985 in Shah Bano Begum case i.e., Mohd. Ahmed Khan v. Shah Bano, the Supreme Court allowed the maintenance to Shah Bano where Mohd. Ahmed Khan refused to give maintenance to her and to her five children. This law became a milestone in favour of Muslim wives who were being victims of triple talaq by their errant husbands.

Part 1    :    Introduction
Part 2    :    The Muslim women (Protection of Rights on Marriage) Ordinance, 2018
Part 3    :    Supreme Court on Triple Talaq
Part 4    :    High Courts on Triple Talaq
Part 5    :    Six Major Judicial Pronouncements on Talaq-E-Biddat
Part 6    :    Triple Talaq and Holy Quran
Part 7    :    Reforms in Personal Laws in India
Part 8    :    Uniform Civil Code v. Triple Talaq
Part 9    :    Impact of International Conventions on Triple Talaq
Part 10  :    Consultation Paper of Law Commission of India on Reform of Family Law
Part 11   :    Other Related Enactments on Triple Talaq
Part 12  :    Relevant Provisions of Other Related Acts & Rules
Part 13  :    International Conventions and Declarations (Relevant Provisions)
Part 14  :    Important Addresses

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